Mail Services

Our Mission

Striving to serve customers with passion and providing reliable, quality service while creating a Christ-centered environment. (1 Cor. 10:31)


We are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

map image of mail room
exterior image of the mail room


Mail Services is located in the Roberts Center at 501 Villa Road (#33 on the campus map). Our customer service window is easily accessible from the double doors on the south side on the Roberts Center, facing the Lewis Apartments off of Sherman Street.

The Mail Services customer service window serves students and employees. All mail and packages are available for pick-up at this facility.

exterior image of the mail room

Contact Us

Phone: 503-554-2555
Fax: 503-554-3469
Email: mailservices@georgefox.edu


We are assisted by an excellent team of student employees.

Jered McConaughey

Jered McConaughey

Director of Mail Services