5. Expectations of Employees

In this chapter:

5.1 Faith and Lifestyle Expectations

Because ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University is a Christian university, owned by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church, in charter and in practice, the university hires only individuals who subscribe to its statement of faith and who commit to fulfill its community responsibilities throughout their employment.  

5.1.1 Statement of Faith

The Trinity. We believe in one eternal God, the source and goal of life, which exists as three persons in the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In love and joy, God creates and sustains the universe, including humanity, male and female, who is made in God’s image.

God the Father. We believe in God the Father Almighty, whose love is the foundation of salvation and righteous judgment, and who calls us into covenant relationship with God and with one another.

God the Son. We believe in Jesus Christ, the Word, who is fully God and fully human. He came to show us God and perfect humanity, and, through his life, death, and resurrection, to reconcile us to God. He is now actively present with us as Savior, Teacher, Lord, Healer, and Friend.

God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who breathed God’s message into the prophets and apostles, opens our eyes to God’s Truth in Jesus Christ, empowers us for holy living, and carries on in us the work of salvation.

Salvation. We believe that salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone, to whom we must respond with repentance, faith, and obedience. Through Christ we come into a right relationship with God, our sins are forgiven, and we receive eternal life.

The Bible. We believe that God inspired the Bible and has given it to us as the uniquely authoritative, written guide for Christian living and thinking. As illumined by the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures are true and reliable. They point us to God, guide our lives, and nurture us toward spiritual maturity.

The Christian Life. We believe that God has called us to be and to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to be God’s agents of love and reconciliation in the world. In keeping with the teaching of Jesus, we work to oppose violence and war, and we seek peace and justice in human relationships and social structures.

The Church. We believe in the church as the people of God, composed of all who believe in Jesus Christ; who support and equip each other through worship, teaching, and accountability; who model God’s loving community; and who proclaim the gospel to the world.

Christian Worship. We believe Christ is present as we gather in his name, seeking to worship in Spirit and in Truth. All believers are joined in the one body of Christ, are baptized by the Spirit, and live in Christ’s abiding presence. Christian baptism and communion are spiritual realities, and, as Christians from many faith traditions, we celebrate these in different ways.

The Future. We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ, in the resurrection of the dead, in God’s judgment of all persons with perfect justice and mercy, and in eternal reward and punishment. Ultimately, Christ’s kingdom will be victorious over all evil, and the faithful will reign with him in eternal life.

5.1.2 Community Lifestyle Statement

The university has deliberately sought to develop Christ-centered community to fulfill its mission and further its core values. As the university has grown it has spawned specialized communities within the larger ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community. These include the historic community of young students who live in university residence halls, students who are over 25 years old, living in their own homes some distance from the campus where they study and students who study at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University campuses away from Newberg. There are also communities of faculty and staff at various campuses. These several communities led to a ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University lifestyle statement that has some variations reflecting differences among us.

As a community we encourage and teach our members to follow Jesus Christ and be collaborators in God's work in the world. We urge each member to become the kind of person and live the kind of life that Jesus taught and modeled. We believe such a life is described by the "fruit of the Spirit" as listed in Galatians 5:22-23. These fruits include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

We believe the Bible teaches that all persons are created in God's image and that God actively seeks renewed relationships with every individual. We are bound therefore to regard each person with love and respect (Romans 12:9-21, 1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4:32). So we avoid discrimination, abusive or manipulative actions, and gossip or meanspirited behaviors. We seek actively to honor each person, loving and serving one another as Jesus taught us.

Our lifestyle excludes immoral practices and calls us to transformed living as we "offer [our] bodies as living sacrifices" to God (Romans 12:1-2). In regard to sexual morality, we believe that only marriage between a man and a woman is God's intention for the joyful fulfillment of sexual intimacy. This should always be in the context of mutual compassion, love, and fidelity. Sexual behaviors outside of this context are inconsistent with God's teaching. We recognize these principles may conflict with the practice or opinion of some within the larger culture. We are convinced that this is God's design for providing the most loving guidance and practice for individuals and our community.

For a community to be successful its members must live with integrity. This includes doing honest academic work, telling each other the truth, keeping our promises, and living so our actions match our words (James 1:22-25).

The university is eager for each member of the community to grow spiritually (Hebrews 10:24-25). We encourage involvement in activities designed to nurture spiritual growth. This includes Bible study, small prayer groups, service opportunities, and chapel attendance. The university encourages all members of the community to maintain personal practices of discipleship and to participate in a local church.

Our goal is to help each community member to think the same way Christ thought (Philippians 2:5). This includes disciplining our minds to think about whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, and excellent, worthy of praise as commended to us in Philippians 4:8. We avoid giving attention to what is obscene and pornographic, whether in print, on the Internet, or in entertainment. We choose entertainment that will strengthen, not undermine the "mind of Christ." We avoid gambling, not only to practice good stewardship of our resources, but also to prevent welcoming greed inwardly and joining in the social inequities on which gambling thrives.

While we recognize that committed Christians differ in how they view the consumption of alcoholic beverages, it is clear that the improper use of alcohol by students, faculty or staff could bring much harm to the communities of ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University. This is especially true of the traditional undergraduate community which consists largely of students who are under the legal drinking age. Nationally, it is well documented that underage and binge drinking as well as driving with significant blood alcohol levels are major problems on college campuses. In addition, there is growing evidence that some individuals are predisposed to alcoholism. For these reasons, the use of alcohol by traditional undergraduate students is not allowed at any time they are enrolled at the university.

Within committed Christian communities there are diverse views regarding the use of alcohol. Some choose a testimony of abstinence for a variety of legitimate and honorable reasons while others believe they can use alcohol occasionally and moderately without harm to their body, spirit or relationships with others. As a community that honors Spiritled diversity among Christians, ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University employees and students in nontraditional programs (degree-completion and graduate programs) are given the freedom of Spirit-led conscience in deciding whether to consume alcoholic beverages in moderation when not in the presence of students from traditional undergraduate programs.

The use of alcohol at university-sponsored events or activities is not allowed. Further, the presence or use of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages is not tolerated on any ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University campus, nor is the illegitimate use of prescription drugs. The use of tobacco is not permitted in any ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University building or by employees or traditional undergraduate students.

The goal of the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University lifestyle standard is to create a community in which individuals are encouraged to be transformed into the image of Christ. In addition, we desire that our common life would reflect the teachings and Spirit of Christ in all that we do and say. In this ongoing process of transformation, all members of the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox Community are encouraged to consider the following questions as a means of selfexamination, in the tradition of the historic Friends (Quakers). As individuals or groups within this community reflect on these questions, we encourage them to respond in obedience to God's leading and to seek encouragement, support and accountability from other members of the community.

These lifestyle standards reflect the university's mission, faith commitments, values, and our rich heritage. They are intended to facilitate our life together at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University.

5.2 Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct against members of the campus community, guests, and visitors is not tolerated. ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University is committed to providing an educational environment free of all forms of sex discrimination, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, as defined in this policy and as otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes. Sexual harassment, including acts of sexual assault and sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University. This prohibition against discrimination on the basis of sex applies to all students, faculty and staff, to other members of the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community, and to contractors, consultants and vendors doing business or providing services to the school. Conduct that does not meet the definitions stated in Title IX or Oregon HB 3415 may still be subjected to other university codes of conduct.

All members of the community must conduct themselves in a way that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The University’s sexual misconduct policy defines expectations for appropriate conduct and outlines resolution processes to address conduct that does not meet these expectations. When individuals are found to be in violation of the policy, the University will impose appropriate sanctions.

All members of the campus community, guests, and visitors are protected by this policy regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The University has jurisdiction over all acts of sexual misconduct involving members of the campus community, no matter where they occur, whether on or off campus.

Definitions of Sexual Misconduct

5.3 Attendance and Work Schedule

Inherent in each position at the university is the need and expectation for regular, consistent attendance. Employees are expected to arrive at their work sites and begin their tasks no later than the start of their work schedules. Punctuality and regular attendance during scheduled work periods are requirements for continued employment with the university. An employee’s specific work schedule, including days off, break periods, and meal periods, is determined by his or her immediate supervisor based on department needs.

5.3.1 Late Arrival

Occasionally, a situation arises that delays an employee’s arrival at work. Except in the case of an emergency, it is the employee’s responsibility to notify his or her supervisor in advance of the start of the work day regarding a late arrival. If the supervisor is not available, the employee should leave a voicemail message or notify a co-worker. (A supervisor’s preference for notification procedures should be followed if different from these guidelines.) It is expected that instances of late arrival are rare. It is also expected that the time missed due to a late arrival be made up the same day. If not, it is generally charged to the employee’s vacation or is unpaid. Repeated, frequent occurrences of tardiness, tardiness without prenotification to a supervisor, or both may result in corrective action, up to and including termination.

5.3.2 Absences

An employee is required to notify the supervisor at the beginning of the working shift that he or she (or a family member) is ill or, in rare cases, will be absent from work due to another serious, unforeseen situation. If the supervisor is not available, the next level manager should be notified unless the supervisor has designated someone else to be notified. Generally, the supervisor must be contacted each day the employee is absent except when the duration is known in advance. An employee is expected to speak with the supervisor directly whenever possible rather than leave a voice mail or send an email to notify him or her of an absence. If an employee is absent without notifying the university for three consecutive days, it may be assumed the employee has resigned, and he or she may be removed from the payroll.

If an employee is sick for five consecutive days, is hospitalized, or has surgery, a doctor’s release to return to work may be required. If this necessitates an extra doctor visit, the university pays the employee’s out-of-pocket expense, usually a co-pay.

Excessive absenteeism, except when protected by FMLA/OFLA or other state or federal law, failure to give notice of absences, or unauthorized absences may result in corrective action, up to and including termination.

5.4 Appropriate Appearance and Attire

Employees are expected to dress in a manner professionally appropriate for their positions. In addition to wearing appropriate attire, employees are expected to practice good personal hygiene and dress modestly.

If an employee’s attire or hygiene seems inappropriate to the supervisor, the supervisor should inform the employee of this concern. The employee is generally required to make the necessary changes to meet the expectations.

If a situation arises in which an employee has an allergic or other adverse reaction to a fragrance worn by another employee, it is expected that the employee wearing the fragrance will discontinue doing so in the interest of the co-worker’s health.

5.5 Visitors in the Workplace

Visitors in the workplace create a disruption for the employee visited and for his or her co-workers. Because of this, visitors should not be a common occurrence in the workplace. It is understood that occasionally a family member or friend may come to an employee’s place of work to take care of a brief matter, but employees are not allowed to have visitors come by for social purposes. Even necessary visits should be limited to breaks or meal periods to the extent possible.

Generally, having children in the workplace is especially disruptive and presents a larger safety and liability risk as well. Except for occasional, brief, and supervised visits, employees should not have their children at work.

5.5.1 Animals in the Workplace

Except for trained dogs to assist disabled persons and animals used in the science curriculum, animals are not allowed in the workplace.

5.6 Personal Copying and Printing

The university allows employees to print and copy documents for personal use provided they reimburse the university for these costs. Printing and copying should be done before or after work or during an employee’s break or meal period.

5.7 Confidentiality and Education Records

The need for discretion and confidentiality exists in every department of the university. The university expects employees to handle, in a professional and ethical manner, any confidential information entrusted to them. Confidential information should not be shared or discussed with anyone who does not have a legitimate need to know the information. If an employee is not certain if it is appropriate to release information, he or she should check with the Registrar’s office.

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University abides by the AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) recommendations for retention and disposal of education records.

5.7.1 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

Because student information is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), it is of particular importance that information that constitutes a student’s educational record be treated with utmost confidentiality.

To help employees better understand their responsibilities, there is a mandatory online FERPA training that all employees must complete.  Additionally, all employees are required to sign a FERPA Confidentiality of Records Agreement. Education Records

An education record is any record which contains information that is personally identifiable to a student and is maintained by the university or by a party or organization acting on behalf of the university.  Under FERPA, students have the right to view any and all education records upon request. Therefore any education records created and maintained by employees should assume student access and be appropriate for the student to view.  If you don’t want the student to view the record then make it sole possession or delete it.

Education records may include, but are not limited to Google “G Suite” records (Gmail, Contacts, Calendar, Drive, Sites, Hangouts, etc.), FoxTALE/Moodle records, MyGFU records, Fox360 records, Handshake records, TaskStream records, written, printed, and projected documents, voicemail messages, social media, video or audio recordings (including Zoom recordings), transcripts (any school), student employment records, student licensure records

Items excluded from the education record include sole possession records (private notes of individual staff or faculty that are never viewed by other personnel), law enforcement or campus security records, medical records, alumni records. Directory Information

At its discretion, the university may provide “directory information” in accordance with the provisions of FERPA. Directory information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The law states that directory information may be released, not that it must be released, therefore employees are empowered to use utmost discretion.

Students have the right to restrict the release of any directory information, and may have done so through the Registrar’s Office.  Therefore all requests for any student education records, both directory and non-directory, should be referred to the Registrar’s Office.  Failure of any employee to comply with these policies may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

The university considers the following information to be “directory information”: and which therefore may be open to the public unless the student has asked for an information restriction status in the Registrar’s Office:

Non-directory information (anything that is an education record but is not directory information) should not be shared with anyone without the student's written consent, including to other university employees, student employees, or other students, unless they have a legitimate educational interest; meaning that they need the information in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities for ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University.

If a student’s parents, spouse, friends, or others inquire about a student’s location, academic performance, grades, student employment or wages, status of financial aid or student account, religion, or other non-directory information, that information can be disclosed only if the student has signed a consent statement giving permission to provide the information.  Questions about release of academic information should be directed to the Registrar’s Office.  Questions about release of financial aid information should be directed to the Office of Financial Aid.  Questions about release of student account information should be directed to the Office of Student Accounts.  Questions about release of disciplinary information should be directed to Student Life.

If non-directory information is needed to resolve a crisis or emergency situation, an education institution may release that information if the institution determines that the information is "necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals." In the case of an emergency, contact the appropriate individuals (e.g., ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox Campus Public Safety, Registrar’s Office, Dean of Students, the Office of the Provost, or Health and Counseling Services) and describe the situation that led you to make the call. Once the situation is resolved, document the details of the situation (what, where, when, who), those involved in the response, and the resolution of the situation.  Once resolved, contact the Registrar to debrief the scenario and provide your documentation.

5.7.2 Disposal of Confidential Information

>In compliance with the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA), any documents and materials with personal information the university possesses or maintains must be properly destroyed to protect against unauthorized access to or use of the information in connection with its disposal. This means that documents must be disposed of in a way that obliterates personally identifying information including Social Security numbers, driver license numbers, phone numbers, physical addresses and e-mail addresses.


>The university currently contracts with a bonded company to provide a number of containers on the Newberg campus in which “to be shredded” material can be disposed of. There are also shredders on all of our campuses that should be used to ensure information is adequately obliterated.

5.8 Acceptable Employee Conduct

Employees are expected to adhere to acceptable business principles in matters of personal and business conduct, to accept responsibility for the appropriateness of their own conduct, and to exhibit a high degree of personal integrity at all times.

It is impossible to list all forms of conduct that might be considered inappropriate. Certain behavior (such as theft, lying, fighting, using physical force, falsification of records, bribery, and threats of violence) is clearly unacceptable at any time in any workplace. Other conduct (such as failure to cooperate with other employees or one’s supervisor, harassing or intimidating others, and rudeness to co-workers, students, or vendors), while often more subtle, is equally unacceptable.

The university expects all employees to adhere to the following general principles:

Further, a core value of ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University is to honor the worth, dignity, and potential of each employee and student as uniquely and specially created by God. Because pornography is degrading to women and men, objectifies the individual, violates scriptural standards of modesty and purity, and often leads to unhealthy addictions, pornographic materials in any form are not to be used, possessed, or distributed on or away from campus.

Unsatisfactory performance, work habits, overall attitude, conduct, or demeanor; violation of university policies, procedures, or guidelines; or any other behavior or conduct deemed inappropriate or unacceptable by the university may result in corrective action, up to and including termination.

5.9 Address and Family Status Changes

Each employee is required to notify the Human Resources Office of any changes in address, phone number, family status, or of any other change in order to ensure the accuracy of personnel and payroll information or information that may affect the employee’s benefits.

5.10 Requests for References

All requests for references on former support staff or administrators, without exception, should be directed to the Human Resources Office for a response. An employee should not provide a reference to a potential employer.

5.11 Conflict of Interest Policy

  1. Scope. The following statement of policy applies to all members of the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University faculty and staff as defined in the university's Employee Handbook (“Faculty” and “Staff”).
  2. Fiduciary Responsibilities. Faculty and staff of ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University serve the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University trust and have a clear obligation to fulfill their responsibilities in a manner consistent with this trust. All decisions of the faculty and staff are to be made consistent with the legitimate desire to advance the best interests of the institution. The integrity of ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University must be protected at all times.
    Faculty and staff inevitably are involved in the affairs of other institutions, organizations, and people. Faculty and staff will include individuals who have relationships and affiliations that may raise questions about perceived conflicts of interest. Although many such potential conflicts are and will be deemed inconsequential, every individual faculty and staff member has the responsibility to ensure the university is made aware of situations that involve personal, familial, or business relationships that could be an actual or perceived conflict of interest. Thus, the university requires each faculty and staff member annually (i) to be familiar with the terms of this policy; (ii) to disclose any possible personal, familial, or business relationships that reasonably might give rise to an actual or perceived conflict involving the university; and (iii) to acknowledge by his or her signature that he or she is in accordance with the letter and spirit of this policy.
  3. Disclosure. Faculty and staff are requested to list on the disclosure form (i) any business or personal relationship with an organization that does business with the university, or (ii) any other relationship with an organization or individual that does business with the university that potentially could be construed to affect their independent, unbiased judgment in light of their decision-making authority, influence, and responsibility.
    If a faculty or staff member is uncertain whether to list a particular relationship, the vice president for financial affairs should be consulted. Information shared or gathered as a result of such consultations (including information provided on the disclosure form) shall be confidential except when the university's best interests would be served by disclosure. Such disclosure will be made only after informing the involved faculty or staff. The following definitions are provided to help faculty and staff members decide whether a relationship should be listed on the disclosure:
    1. Business relationship: One in which a faculty, staff, or a member of his or her family as defined below (i) serves as an officer, director, employee, partner, trustee, or controlling stockholder of an organization that does substantial business with the university, (ii) is the actual or beneficial owner or has a personal relationship with such an individual of more than 1 percent of the voting stock or controlling interest of an organization that does substantial business with the university, or (iii) has other direct or indirect dealings with such an individual or organization and benefits directly, indirectly, or potentially from cash or property receipts from such an individual or organization.
    2. Family member: A spouse, child, or any other relative either by blood or marriage.
  4. Restraint on Participation. This policy is not intended to prevent the university from entering into a contract or transaction with an individual or entity that has disclosed an actual or potential conflict of interest with the university, provided such contract or transaction and the related process of engagement is fair and reasonable to the university and the individual or entity has not participated in or unduly influenced any vote required to authorize or approve the contract or transaction.

5.12 Travel

This policy is intended to facilitate standard travel practices and to assist faculty and staff in planning and documenting their expenses while traveling on University business. It is also intended to ensure compliance with Federal tax rules. It is not intended to set forth policy on every allowable expense and assumes that department heads are responsible for communicating the University Travel Policy to faculty and staff. You can refer to this policy on the Finance Website: georgefox.edu/offices/fin_affairs/index.html.

The University’s policy is to reimburse fairly and equitably employees and non-employees for necessary and reasonable travel expenses incurred on University business. Employees traveling on business are responsible for complying with University Travel Policy and should exercise the same care in incurring expenses as they would in personal travel, regardless of the source of funds.

All travel must be approved by a Department Head, Dean, Vice President or Provost, prior to the making of reservations or otherwise committing University funds. Travel expenses, which are not pre-approved, may not be reimbursed.


Air Travel:
Airlines tickets for University related travel can be purchased through the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University Egencia Corporate Travel website egencia.com (referred from here on as the ECT website). You will be asked to select your cost center and payment information prior to booking your flight. Use of a GFU Visa card for payment should be used when possible. All other air travel for business purposes will automatically be billed to the University so it is important to select the correct cost center. This is the preferred method for booking travel at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox.  Tickets purchased at least 21 days in advance usually have the lowest fares. Airline fares vary substantially depending on factors such as route, day of week, time of day, length of stay, advance reservations requirements and airline competition. When a more favorable price can be obtained for airfare by adding additional days to the trip, e.g. staying over a Saturday night or flying on a particular day, reasonable expenses for lodging and meals for the minimum necessary additional days may be claimed if the total cost of the reduced fare plus the additional day’s expenses are less than the lowest available airfare would have been with out the additional days of travel.

Spouse/Friend Travel:
Spouses, family members, or friends may accompany ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox faculty or staff mem non-reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses. Any additional cost for the personal travel should be reimbursed to the University directly.

Candidate or Guest Speaker Travel:
The search committee chair or department head is responsible for initiating the travel arrangements for the candidate through the University ECT Corporate website. People inviting special guest speakers or lecturers, are also responsible to initiate the travel arrangements. In both cases, please contact Finance - Purchasing so we can direct you how to arrange this travel. The University will be billed directly for the flight so there is no need to reimburse the individual. Local accommodations for guests can also be booked through Egencia.

Group Travel : Off-Campus Studies, Juniors Abroad and Athletic Groups etc.:

Contact the Center for Study Abroad for all international travel. For all other group travel contact the group travel desk at ECT (preferred method) or the Travel Agency you work with as soon as you are aware of your travel dates, so that they can explore group discount opportunities and facilitate your travel arrangements. When payment is required for a deposit or final payment, please allow enough time to have a check processed in accounts payable. If this is not possible, please call Finance – Purchasing. Group ticket charges should not be placed on personal  credit cards.

Airport Parking:
Travelers should use the most economical parking facilities available, such as the airport economy lot.

To maximize savings opportunities lodging reservations can be made through the ECT website. A single room with a private bath in a suitable, moderately priced hotel is the University standard – balancing quality, price and security. Examples of moderately priced hotels the University recommends are: Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn and Best Western.

When special rates for air and lodging are provided for a conference, it is recommended that you check the ECT Corp website to verify that the conference pricing is the best option available. Should it not be, book your lodging through the ECT website. Should the conference pricing be the best option, you will be advised to make the arrangements as noted on your conference registration form.

Car Rental:
First determine whether it is more economical to rent a car or use your personal vehicle. This can be done using the mileage calculator on the Financial Affairs webpage. georgefox.edu/offices/fin_affairs/tripcalc.html The University will reimburse at the lower of the two amounts. It is also important to determine if it is less expensive to fly to your destination or to drive. If it is less expensive to fly and you choose to drive, the University will reimburse  you for the lesser of the two amounts.

Car rentals can be booked for both local and national travel with Enterprise/National Car Rental by using the ECT website. You will be asked to select your cost center for billing purposes when reserving your car. All completed car rentals reserved for business purposes will automatically be billed to your GFU Visa or directly to the University so it is important to select the correct cost center.

If you are under 25 years of age when requesting car rental reservations advise the agent.

The University standard for a car rental is a compact or intermediate car. When traveling in a group, a larger car or a 12 passenger van may be rented.

For further savings travelers should:

When traveling for University business, decline the CDW (extra insurance). The University’s insurance covers car rentals within the U.S.

Fill gas tank before returning car.

It may be necessary to purchase additional auto insurance if renting an auto in a foreign country.

In the event of an accident a copy of the accident report should be submitted to the Finance
office. Any deductible will be charged to the department.

The University does not pay for parking tickets or traffic tickets.

Reasonable expenses for meals will be reimbursed in full when detailed receipts are submitted. Anything in excess of a reasonable amount may require additional justification and may not be reimbursed.

IRS regulations require that an employee must be away from home substantially longer than an ordinary day’s work, before their meal cost is reimbursable. Therefore, for same day trips, University travelers will not qualify for personal meal reimbursements unless the meal would qualify as entertainment.

Business related expenses incurred by a College employee for the benefit of a non-College person (e.g., potential donor, Board of Trustee member, guest) are classified as entertainment expenses, and are reimbursable. In the case of entertainment expenses, date, time, place, business purpose, name and relationship of persons entertained is required to satisfy IRS documentation standards, thus potentially avoiding being taxed.

Other Travel Related Expenses:
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service - The cost of laundry and dry cleaning, and pressing services utilized away from home is reimbursable when the business trip exceeds five days. Gratuities/miscellaneous reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses - Gratuities are allowed for normal tipping situations. Use the following as guidelines for tipping: 15% for meals, $1/ bag for bellmen/skycaps and 10% for taxi. In-room movies, theater, and other forms of personal entertainment expenses are not reimbursed. Health club charges are also not reimbursed.

Travelers (.5 FTE and above) must complete an Expense Report in Concur:

All other travelers must complete a Expense Reimbursement Request (ERR) form:

All required receipts must be submitted (Concur) or attached to the ERR (follow Expense Reimbursement Request Procedure tab). Further, both the traveler and his/her department approver must sign the report. This report must be submitted to the Finance office within thirty working days after completion of the trip.

Required receipts must be originals or customer copies identified by the name/address of the business, dated, itemized and properly signed or stamped to indicate that payment has been made. Credit card receipts must be submitted with an itemized statement for transportation tickets, meals, lodging and car rental. Where expenses are shared with external organizations a duplicated copy of the receipts will suffice when submitted with either a copy of the expense report submitted to the other organization or a common expense report showing all expenses charged to both GFU and the other organizations.

Travel advances are available to defray direct expenditures incurred by University employees traveling on University business. The amount of the advance will vary depending on the length and geographic location of the trip.

In order to obtain a travel advance, fill out a “Check Request” (found on the Finance forms page), in the amount of the advance and obtain proper authorization. Forward the request to the Finance office.

Travel advances and related expenses must be accounted for on an “Employee Expense Report” form within thirty days from the date of return. Travel advances must be recorded as a credit in the less advances line. Advances in excess of actual expenditures must be returned to the Financial Affairs. When there is an amount due to the University, include a check with your form. In cases where the University owes you a check, the check will be sent once accounting has reviewed the expense form.

Any prior outstanding travel advances must be accounted for before another advance will be issued. IRS policy states that any advances that are not accounted for in a timely manner, are subject to payroll taxes as taxable income to you.


Assistance during travel:
When change in travel plans occurs enroute, the traveler should contact the airline directly, or ECT travel desk, and make the appropriate contacts regarding lodging or airline adjustments.

Personal Vehicles:
When use of your own vehicle for University business you will be reimbursed at the current IRS mileage rate. Prior to your travel, please check the trip calculator on the University website to consider the lowest options for travel georgefox.edu/offices/fin_affairs/tripcalc.html

Most itemized expenses related to the operation of a vehicle are not reimbursed, including traffic tickets or parking violations. However, parking, toll fees, etc. are reimbursable. Requests for reimbursement must include a mileage log containing the date, destination, purpose and miles traveled as well as any parking or toll-fee receipts.

The commute from an employee’s home to his or her primary place of employment is not considered business travel. If an employee is required to travel from one campus to another for business purposes, the mileage between the two campuses is a reimbursable expense to the  extent extra miles were traveled beyond the employee’s normal commute.

***Certification is required prior to any travel for university business purposes. If you are  planning on driving your personal vehicle or renting a vehicle for university business, you  will need to complete the Personal Vehicle Certification process at least five business days  prior to your trip. If you are planning on driving a university vehicle, you will need to  complete the University Vehicle Certification process at least five business days prior to  your trip.***

Transportation Policy

***The University’s insurance policy does not cover damage to personally owned vehicles.  Each person using a personal vehicle for University business is responsible for having  adequate insurance coverage and for paying his or her deductible should a collision or other  incident occur.***

General guidelines:

These policies and guidelines are applicable to the business-related travel of all ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox’s faculty, staff and for all others traveling on behalf of or as a guest of ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University. While the information included in the guidelines should be sufficient to cover the vast majority of travel scenarios, it is inevitable that certain instances and issues are not addressed in this document. If you encounter an instance where such is the case, please contact Financial Affairs.

Created November 1, 2008
Updated August 26, 2015
Updated January 14, 2019

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