Take advantage of fully online courses this summer with the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox Digital: Summer Online program. Summer Online courses are less than half the price of regular tuition – and run for eight weeks, starting June 3. Classes are open to anyone – both students at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox and those outside the institution – and you may register for up to three per year.

This affordable, flexible option is a great way to earn credits while still enjoying your summer break!


Online summer classes are offered at $499 per credit, less than half the price of our traditional undergraduate classes. Getting  general education courses finished, many of which are offered during our summer online program, puts you on a faster track to graduation – saving you time and money. 

Save more than 55% per credit by taking Summer Online courses

Personal Attention

Whether we're teaching digitally or in person, we always strive to follow through on our "Be Known" promise. In the summer online program, all classes are taught by experienced ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox faculty. All courses involve personal interaction with the instructor and chances to meet your classmates. 

What to Expect

Megumi Mandish

Megumi Mandish

Summer Online courses offer a very flexible schedule, so even if I'm in another timezone, I don't have to worry about lectures at a set time and have plenty of time to complete assignments.

How to Register

Registration for 2024 opens February 21.

  • Continuing traditional undergraduate students: Register on 
  • Incoming ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox students: Registration opens in May
  • Non-ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox students: Register as a 

Financial Aid Available

Current ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox students* may be able to use financial aid for summer classes. Contact your student financial aid counselor.

* Incoming first year ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox students are not eleigible to use financial aid for summer classes.

Already Enrolled?

Next Steps

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. No, Summer Online tuition is separate from spring or fall tuition. Summer Online courses cost about 55% less per credit than tuition during fall and spring semesters, but it is something you have to pay for in addition to regular tuition.

  2. After you register, you will gain access to your Summer Online course(s) in Canvas five to six days prior to the Summer Online start date.
  3. Course costs vary, depending on the number of credits a course is worth. Summer Online courses range from 2-4 credits each, and are priced at $499/credit. See the course list below to find specific credit information by course. 

Summer Online Course List

We offer the following courses online during the summer of 2024. Classes will run from the first week of June to the last week of July, unless otherwise noted. Please see for assigned instructors, course description, and the most up-to-date offerings.

Courses marked with an * are part of the Cornerstone Core. We recommend that first year students take these courses.

Accounting is the language of business. This course provides an introductory overview of accounting from a user perspective. Its purpose is to give students a basic understanding of the logic behind the principles of accounting, enabling them to prepare, read, analyze, and interpret financial statements for the purpose of decision making.

Prerequisite: BUSN 110 and Sophomore standing or above.

This course is a continuation of ACCT 271. It emphasizes the uses of accounting data by management to make both planning and control decisions. Students will continue to analyze financial statements to assess a company's liquidity, profitability, capital structure, and stock market ratios. Students will also develop operating budgets and use them to evaluate performance. Cost information will be classified by behavior, and allocated under a cost-beneficial system that assists managers in using relevant costs for decision making.

Prerequisite: ACCT 271 Principles of Financial Accounting.

This interdisciplinary, core curriculum course centers its intellectual and artistic queries around the enduring question, "How do the arts reveal God's love for beauty, empathy and creativity across global boundaries?" Using the framework of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10), students will explore how global cultures both celebrate and critique their communities through the artistic disciplines of art, music and theatre. Throughout the course, students will cross boundaries of difference to investigate how God?s creative spirit manifests itself in artistic expressions of beauty, dissonance and the celebration of the human spirit.
A survey of the elements and concepts of art theory and practice as reflected in culturally and historically significant painting, sculpture, architecture, and other art forms, from 1450 to the present.
Structure and function of the human body. Fall semester topics include basic chemistry, body organization, integument, skeleton, muscles, and the nervous system, including special senses. The course is designed for nonscience majors. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Additional course fee is required.

The importance of thinking globally and understanding the legal, technological, political and economic differences that affect business practice are explored through readings and projects. The focus is on the global changes that are impacting national sovereignty, regionalization, and the balance of economic and political power.

Prerequisites: ECON 200 Principles of Economics and MGMT 260 Principles of Management.

This course introduces students to the professional, personal, and spiritual dimensions of communication. By identifying how to live out one?s faith in interpersonal relationships, through public presentations, and by engaging in mediated communication, students will be encouraged to pursue clarity in communication motivated by the question: how do we better understand others and help them to understand us?

This course will focus on developing a personal and professional brand that expresses uniqueness, passion, and strengths to hiring managers. Navigating professional opportunities with important tools such as resume design, e-presence, networking, behavioral interviewing, and employer search and engagement strategies, along with identifying and creating professional goals will be emphasized. Students will participate in mock interviews with local recruiters.

Prerequisite: junior or senior status.

This course is an introduction to the fundamental principles of economics, and their application at the micro and macro level. In the microeconomic portion of the course the behavior of individuals, households, and firms will be explored. The macroeconomic portion of the course will focus on economy-wide conditions, such as gross domestic product, unemployment, and recessions. Throughout the course the ways in which the economy contributes to, and deters from, human flourishing and well-being will be considered, discussed, and debated.
This lab science course introduces the empirical study of the natural world, and explores the ways in which the patterns and processes of creation reveal and reflect the nature of the Creator. Unit 1 introduces students to the scientific process through an investigation of the origins of the universe. Unit 2 includes the physics of energy, its various forms, how we use and produce it, and the impact of our energy consumption habits. Unit 3 is an investigation into genetics, genetic engineering and the diversity of life on Earth. Throughout each unit students will learn and engage in empirical reasoning through laboratory experiments. This course highlights the roles of curiosity and intellectual humility in generating and responding to scientific knowledge. Emphasis is given to critical evaluation of questions at the nexus of science and faith, such as whether science and Christianity are in conflict, how do Christians think about the big bang theory and the theory of evolution, and how we may use scientific knowledge to make choices that honor God and extend His love to others.
Students in this course will learn to think critically about their personal health and wellness in the context of Christian commitment. They will learn scientific principles of aerobic conditioning and weight training. Popular lifetime fitness activities will be introduced. Special emphasis will be placed on developing and maintaining lifestyle habits that optimize well-being.
This course examines the history of the United States and Europe from 1750 to the present day. It critically explores the rise of the ideas of freedom, equality, and justice, while asking what role did the Christian faith, and the courage to express it, have in the formation of the modern and postmodern world?
How do stories redeem the past and shape the future? What stories might make sense of your past and shape your future? Faith and Story introduces students to literature as a method of human inquiry, with particular attention to the importance of carefully reading texts from multiple genres, periods, cultures and voices, examining narrative and form through a Christian lens, and cultivating the virtues of imagination and empathy.
This course will expand students' appreciation for, and abilities in mathematics so that they understand it is present and useful beyond their previous considerations and experiences. As these boundaries are stretched, students will not only connect with the beauty and utility of mathematics but also the opportunity it will afford them to worship and serve God with greater impact. Problem solving, critical thinking and rigorous logical argumentation, implemented both formally and in relevant, faith based applications, will provide a rich soil for the cultivation of knowledge, faith and character. Additionally, various topics in financial mathematics will be covered. From simple and compound interest models to amortized loans, students will calculate and solve for relevant variables, then create spreadsheets to assist them in the empirical problem solving necessary for budgeting and comparative financial applications. The course will conclude by investigating mathematics in design and nature. The Fibonacci series will be used as a platform for these numeric patterns, which will necessitate the ideas of limits and infinite processes, leading into the basic concepts behind differential and integral calculus.

An algebra course designed for students who have a good background in high school algebra and are prepared to cover the major topics of algebra in more depth and breadth. Applications of algebra will be emphasized in this course. This course does not serve as a prerequisite for the calculus sequence.

Prerequisite: high school algebra or equivalent.

The class is a study of limits limits of functions, applications of derivatives, and an introduction to integration.

Prerequisite: MATH 190 Precalculus Mathematics or equivalent.

A study of differential and integral calculus for functions of one variable. Additional topics include polar coordinates, infinite series, and parametric equations.

Prerequisite: MATH 201 Calculus I.

An introduction to probability and statistics with content and application directed toward the natural and physical sciences. Topics to be covered include methods of describing data, probability, random variables and their distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, linearregression, and correlation.

Prerequisite: MATH 180 College Algebra or equivalent.

This course is an extension of MATH 201 and 202 Calculus I and II to functions of more than one variable. Topics include vectors, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, and multiple integration.

Prerequisite: MATH 202 Calculus II.

A study of the theory, methods of solution, and applications of ordinary differential equations and the techniques of linear algebra necessary to accomplish that study.

Prerequisite: MATH 202 Calculus II.

Introduction to probability and statistics with content and application directed toward the engineering and science disciplines. Topics to be covered include methods of describing data, probability, random variables and their distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression and correlation.

Prerequisite: MATH 202 Calculus II or equivalent.

A study of the theory and practice of management. The course involves discussion and application of areas such as social responsibility, strategy, problem solving, communication, change, job performance, and financial/operational controls.

Prerequisite or Co-requisite: BUSN 110 Introduction to Business.

Mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, wave motion and optics, and modern physics, using algebraic methods for analysis. Three lectures and one lab per week. Additional course fee is required.

Prerequisite: MATH 190 Precalculus Mathematics.

Mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, wave motion and optics, and modern physics, using calculus methods for analysis. Three lectures and one lab per week. Additional course fee is required.

Prerequisite: MATH 201 Calculus I.

This course explores a variety of influences which shape many of the characteristics of personhood, focusing on critical consideration of the interplay of factors and the complexity of being human. Students will be encouraged to apply the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual lenses of psychology to understand themselves and others, including how and why self-regulation is a key factor in successful healthy living.
An introduction to the study of society, including the study of the shared relationships that create social organization and social processes of society. Required for sociology minors and for admission into the social work major.
A comparative study of world societies and their ways of life.
In this course, we wrestle with a question that the prophet Micah asks and answers in Micah 6:8, "O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" This question is as relevant in America today as it was in Israel in the 8th century BC. How do we live such a life in a time of injustice, hate, and violence? This course addresses this question by exploring the ways in which justice - or injustice - manifests itself in society, both domestically and globally.
When reading the Bible, you may wonder how an ancient book connects to our lives today. This course will take the time to explore the various types of writings found in the Bible and explain how those old writings have a lot to say about contemporary society. This course will provide students with the opportunity to engage Scripture and see how it impacts their lives today. An additional course fee maybe applied.
This course utilizes the flow of Christian history to explore both the development of Christian doctrine and the context of the spiritual journeys of Christians from around the world. By tracing the history and theological development of Christianity, it reveals the foundations of the Christian faith. In doing so, it gives students both a broader perspective of the whole Christian movement over two thousand years, and helps them understand their own personal faith tradition.

In this course students will be introduced to basic tools and scholarly attitudes for studying the Bible and theology, using a particular biblical book, theme, or theological topic as a focus. Material will be studied not only for academic knowledge but also spiritual and personal growth. Specific topics rotate, and the course can be taken more than once with different topics.

Prerequisites include any one of the following: THEO 101 The Bible; THEO 100 Bible Survey; THEO 201 Old Testament or THEO 301 New Testament.

What are we here for? How should we live? What does a good life look like today? Answering those questions begins with the commandments to love God and neighbor, and this class aims to help students properly order their loves in light of contemporary challenges and vocational goals. The class equips students to reason well about ethics and to think critically about a variety of ethical systems and positions.
How can the way we write form us morally? How can we, by caring for words, steward the truth in a "post-truth" society? This course concentrates on the writing, arguing, and critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in an academic and professional environment. By practicing the habits and strategies of successful writing, students learn to listen humbly, draft patiently, and argue lovingly.
Beth Merritt

Beth Merritt

I like the flexibility I have with the homework – I'm able to tackle it when I have time. I also appreciate the ability to do a summer course for less time and less money for the same credit offered during the academic year.

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University is required to make cost of attendance (COA) information publicly available on this website. The best way to find out how much it will cost for you to attend ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox is to apply and receive a financial aid package specific to your situation.