Campus Policies

Table of Contents

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational environment free from alcohol, drugs and tobacco. We have chosen to be a drug and alcohol-free institution and are committed to upholding the federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA). The use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages and illicit drugs, including marijuana, synthetic marijuana or controlled substances, or the abuse of legal substances, are prohibited on or away from campus. Medical marijuana, as well as recreational marijuana, whether smoked, vaporized, edible, topical, tinctures, wax, or any other form is prohibited regardless of any state's laws permitting marijuana. Any alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or any paraphernalia will be confiscated by University personnel and not returned to the student. 

We are a tobacco-free and smoke-free campus. The university prohibits smoking, including e-cigarettes/vapor cigarettes, products containing nicotine, and all forms of tobacco use or possession everywhere on-campus, as well as off-campus by students.

Visitors to our campus are expected to comply with these standards.

Responding to Alcohol Incidents

There may be situations where a student’s actions, words, behavior, and/or other contributing factors (such as the smell of alcohol on their person or breath) are consistent with a person who has consumed alcohol, but they deny drinking when confronted. In these instances, if two or more University personnel have sufficient reason to believe a student has consumed alcohol the student may be held accountable for violating the lifestyle standards unless they can demonstrate they have not consumed alcohol. This may be accomplished by the student requesting to take a breathalyzer test, or being presented by student life personnel with the option of taking the voluntary test in order to prove their assertion of innocence. If they choose to not take the test, the student may be held accountable for drinking alcohol based on the original evidence that prompted the confrontation.

A breathalyzer test may only be administered when the student has requested to do so or has agreed to take it voluntarily when presented with the option by student life personnel.  A trained ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox Campus Public Safety Officer administers the test in a private setting with another student life member present.

In instances where there is sufficient evidence that a student consumed alcohol, or when a breathalyzer test affirms a student was drinking, student life personnel ensures the student is accompanied by appropriate personnel to a safe place.

The reasons for implementing the option of using a breathalyzer are: (1) it provides an option for students who assert they have not consumed alcohol, but their behavior and actions exhibit signs to the contrary, and (2) it provides staff with an option to present to students if they deny consuming alcohol, but their actions and behavior exhibit signs of consumption.

Responding to Marijuana or Drug Incidents

Following a similar process to responding to alcohol incidents, there may also be situations when a student’s actions, words, behavior, and/or other contributing factors are consistent with a person who has used marijuana or other drugs, but they deny using when confronted. In these instances, if two or more University personnel have sufficient reason to believe a student has used marijuana or other drugs the student may be held accountable for violating the lifestyle standards unless they can demonstrate their innocence. This may be accomplished by the student requesting to take a voluntary and supervised urine analysis (UA) or other appropriate drug test, or being presented with the option of taking the test by student life personnel. If they choose to not take the test, the student may be held accountable for drug use based on the original evidence that prompted the confrontation.

A UA or other drug test may only be administered when the student has requested to do so or has agreed to take it when presented with the option by student life personnel. A trained ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox health professional will administer the supervised test.

Student athletes participating in a varsity athletic sport, whether in season or out of season, may be required by Athletics personnel to submit to a supervised UA or other drug test. While Athletics and Student Life personnel work together to resolve these situations, there may be separate aspects of accountability from each department.

In instances where there is sufficient evidence that a student is under the influence of marijuana or other drugs, or when a UA or drug test affirms a student has used drugs, student life personnel ensures the student is accompanied by appropriate personnel to a safe place.


Is unwanted, repetitive and/or aggressive behaviors that intimidate, intentionally harm, attack, or control another person physically, emotionally or socially.  This behavior can often be discriminatory towards protected attributes as outlined in the university’s harassment and discrimination policy. It often involves an imbalance of power that is directed towards a specific person or group.

Actions may include, but are not limited to the following: making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, spreading rumors about someone, making mean or rude hand gestures, or physically hurting a person’s body or possessions. It may also include various aspects outlined under the hazing policy.


Is bullying that takes place using electronic technology, which may include devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers and tablets, as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of cyber-bullying include, but are not limited to, the following: demeaning or discriminatory text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

Discrimination, Bias, and Harassment

Harassment and Discrimination

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University students and employees work, live, and learn in an environment where the dignity of each individual is respected. Harassment or discrimination due to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, creed, age, national origin, citizenship status, workers' compensation status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under applicable local, state, or federal law; or any other distinguishing characteristic protected by applicable non-discrimination law is prohibited.

Actions that constitute harassment or discrimination may be verbal or physical conduct that includes, but is not limited to the following: demeaning gestures, threats of violence, physical attacks, or any type of threatening or verbal remarks. These behaviors include hazing (please see hazing policy), other initiations, or any actions that may be hazardous, dehumanizing, harassing, or humiliating to people within or outside the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community. Prohibited actions also include vandalism, destruction of a person’s property, the misuse of telephones, voicemail messages, text messages, United States or campus mail, as well as e-mail, social media, or other electronic communication for the purpose of issuing obscene, harassing, or threatening messages.

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's work, academic, or student life environment. Students and employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that shows respect to all and ensures no discrimination or harassment occurs.

Bias-Related Incidents and Hate Crimes

A core value that flows from our Christ-centered mission is that we recognize the dignity and great worth of all people. Some issues that are contrary to this mission, and are not tolerated in our community, including bias-related incidents and hate crimes. Bias-related incidents can be any physical, spoken, visual, or written acts of abuse, harassment, intimidation, vulgarity, or remarks of a personally destructive nature toward another person because of actual or perceived defining characteristics, which include microaggressions. This can occur whether the act is intentional or unintentional, or is directed toward an individual or group regarding race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, creed, age, national origin, citizenship status, workers' compensation status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under applicable local, state, or federal law; or any other distinguishing characteristic protected by applicable non-discrimination law.

A hate crime occurs when a bias-related incident involves a criminal act being committed. These crimes may involve, but are not limited to: physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, or offensive graffiti or letters. Some hate crimes may violate Oregon and/or federal law, which is also a breach of university policies.

Guidelines for Responding to Bias-Related Incidents and Hate Crimes

Responding to concerns and incidents may vary depending on the nature and severity of a specific situation. It can include instances of protected speech that may generate harm, thus requiring intervention with potentially limited consequences. Bias-related incidents need to be addressed because they harm individuals, undermine civility and the understanding of our community, or impede the educational process. Public discussion and education can promote awareness of prejudice and examination of the values that underlie the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community. Incidents may be dealt with through the process of community accountability with appropriate sanctions.

Reporting and Resources

We strongly encourage reporting of any bias-related incidents or hate crimes. The next section in this handbook gives students a variety of options for reporting incidents, as well as ways to receive support and help.

Supporting the Student and Community

The University believes it is important to respond to a bias-related incident or hate crime with concern for the student(s) or other person(s) who have been targeted and the community as a whole. University personnel can assist the student or other person in documenting the event and explaining the options for addressing what has occurred. If the incident involves a violation of a University policy, there is a process for investigation and resolution.

Appropriate assistance is available to students who are targeted. University personnel strive to ensure that the affected student feels safe in their educational environment and may, if appropriate, adjust or change course schedules or take other appropriate measures to assist the student. The University administrator(s) may also offer help documenting the event (i.e. taking photos of the offending material); helping in talking with/filing a complaint with the police; assistance in arranging counseling or other forms of support; or help, as appropriate, in initiating mediation between the affected student or other person and the offender. If it is appropriate, the targeted individual may also elect to participate in a University sponsored discussion about the incident, if one is held.

When bias-related incidents or hate crimes occur on campus, they can strain the fabric of the community. University officials may consider what sort of communication about the incident is appropriate, taking into account various factors such as personal safety and confidentiality. In some cases, public discussion about the incident can serve to educate the community and promote awareness of prejudice. Programs that address bias-related incidents can change a hateful incident into an opportunity for increased understanding and personal growth. In some cases, University personnel may collaborate with other offices on campus and with students to decide to offer programs that include one or more of the following: discussions, open forums, panels, films, speakers, and other educational programming. Among other things, these events may serve to help the community understand and address what has occurred.

Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)

In addition to the response outlined in the Reporting & Resources section, the Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) addresses issues relating to bias-related incidents and hate crimes. The BIRT aids in developing recommendations to help the Student Life Office determine if, when, and how the community should be informed of a bias-related incident or hate crime that has occurred. They also discuss and may implement appropriate educational and programming opportunities in response to an incident.

The BIRT is chaired by the Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence and Chief Diversity Officer and is composed of select faculty, staff, and administrators. The chair may also invite other community members to be on the BIRT as appropriate. When an incident occurs, the BIRT convenes at the request of University personnel or a student. Campus Public Safety may work with the BIRT in order to improve communication about incidents and their implications for groups and individuals within our community. The Newberg-Dundee Police Department may also be invited for discussion of bias-related incidents or hate crimes and may meet with the BIRT as appropriate.

Reporting and Resources for Discrimination, Harassment, Bias-Related Incidents and Hate Crimes

Discrimination, harassment, bias-related incidents, and hate crimes are not tolerated in the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community. Some actions may also violate local, state, and federal law. Designated University personnel promptly investigate all complaints or allegations.

Appropriate, corrective action may be implemented based on the findings of the investigation. Although demeaning, discriminating, or harassing messages on such things as flyers, posters, emails, social media, voicemails, and graffiti are often obnoxious or worse, it is helpful to preserve them as evidence and not to disturb or remove anything that could help identify the source and/or targets or other affected persons.

If any student or employee believes they have witnessed, or have been subjected to, harassment, discrimination, bias-related incidents, or hate crimes, the person is encouraged to immediately report the incident to student life personnel or the Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence and Chief Diversity Officer. Reports can also be submitted by filling out this .

Any person violating these policies may be subject to appropriate community accountability, up to and including termination if they are an employee, and suspension or dismissal if they are an undergraduate or graduate/adult degree program student. Both the complainant and respondent are notified of the findings and outcomes, as well as have the right to appeal, in cases involving discrimination, harassment, bias-related incidents, or hate crimes.

No Contact Order (NCO)

A No Contact Order (NCO) is an administrative measure taken to ensure an identified party (reporting party or responding party) has no contact, directly or indirectly, with another identified party following a report of prohibited conduct or a finding of a violation of University policy. This may include sexual misconduct, bias, discrimination, harassment, or any other conduct that embodies perceived or actual behavior that is threatening, harassing, or concerning.

Here are some key points about No Contact Orders:

  1. Issuance: An NCO is issued by the University in response to a request from a concerned party. An individual may request the order if they feel threatened or harassed by the other party. It is issued to both parties and is facilitated through written notification, including a copy of the NCO.
  2. Terms and Restrictions: The NCO outlines specific restrictions that both parties must follow. These restrictions may include but are not limited to, avoiding any direct or indirect contact in person, through phone calls, text messages, emails, social media or other apps, or third parties acting on their behalf.
  3. Duration: The duration of an NCO can vary depending on the circumstances. When either student graduates or is no longer a student at the University, the NCO ceases to be in effect.
  4. Consequences of Violation: Failure to honor and follow the expectations of an NCO may be met with appropriate consequences, up to and including suspension or dismissal from the University.
  5. Modifications: In some cases, one party may request a modification or termination of the NCO if circumstances change or if both parties agree to have contact again. However, any modification or termination of the order must be done through the University.

It's important to note that a No Contact Order issued by the University is not legally binding. An institutional NCO does not restrict an individual from pursuing a legal restraining or protective order through the justice system.

Further, an institutional NCO pertains to university property and events. However, if concerns arise due to circumstances off-campus, students should report this to student life personnel. An NCO is not designed to mitigate interpersonal conflicts that do not rise to the level of concerns noted above, but support will be offered from other University resources to resolve such conflicts.

Free Speech and Peaceful Assembly Policy

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University believes in the importance of freedom of expression and in the value of permitting students to publicly express their views whether in support of or opposition to issues and actions. The University also recognizes its obligation to maintain a campus atmosphere conducive to academic work, to preserve the dignity and seriousness of University ceremonies and public exercises, and to respect the rights of all individuals while preserving the mission and identity of our Christ-centered institution and community.

Individuals or campus groups who exercise their rights of free speech and/or organize a peaceful assembly should do so in compliance with University policies and procedures. The following define the appropriate parameters for a peaceful assembly or demonstration at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University:

  1. Time: Usually limited to a three-hour time frame between the hours of 8 a.m.–6 p.m., Monday-Friday (to allow other uses of the space and to ensure that adequate staffing is available if needed).
  2. Place: Generally, protests or demonstrations should occur in a mutually agreed upon, defined area of the Quad.
  3. Manner/Process: On-campus groups wishing to demonstrate on the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University campus should receive approval from the office of Community Life (dean of students or designee), Student Activities (dean of student services), Spiritual Life (university pastors), or Intercultural Life (dean of student belonging and equity) at least two weeks in advance with the specifics of what they propose to do. The appropriate administrator will contact the event organizers if there are questions or concerns about the proposed plan and to give final approval.

Please see the "Campus Display and Posting Policy" before starting any Peaceful Assembly.

All protests and demonstrations should be peaceful and respectful of other members of the community and campus property.

Exercising free speech and/or organizing a peaceful assembly violates University policy when the event:

The University retains the right to control the use of all University property at any time and for any reason. The Office of Student Life has the right to discontinue any protests or demonstrations not in compliance with these guidelines. 

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox values freedom of expression and, therefore, supports students’ desires to exercise this freedom in a public way as expressed in this policy. The use of the University forum for expression of ideas or viewpoints in compliance with this policy does not imply university acceptance or endorsement of the views expressed.


ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox supports activities that are designed to develop community and to impart group traditions. We are committed to introducing new students to campus traditions, language, and customs that enhance a sense of belonging and encourage involvement in university life. Understanding this, it is our desire to accomplish the following goals as students become members of campus activities, teams, or groups: 1) to help students build positive relationships with others; 2) to familiarize students with current and historical traditions; and 3) to provide an atmosphere in which students may come to understand that they are part of the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox history, present, and future.

We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that students who voluntarily participate in campus activities and groups are treated with dignity and respect, in accordance with the university’s mission, and that any induction or other activities fit within the mission statement as well as within common and civil law. Thus, induction and other group activities will be governed by the following expectations.

There is to be no behavior that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or mental or emotional harm, regardless of a person’s willingness to participate. Even if a participant claims that no one was forced to partake, such an activity or behavior is still considered hazing. Groupthink behavior, peer pressure, and coercion often play a role.  Specifically, please note the following:

Violation of this policy may also be a violation of , which may result in a student’s loss of financial aid. Any group/club/team member violating these standards risks suspension from group/team activities. Consequences may also involve sanctions for the entire group. Violations of the Hazing Policy for Oregon State Law will be assumed to constitute violations of university policy, as well.

If you have any questions regarding campus policies or procedures, please contact the dean of students, associate dean of students/director of commuter life, or the director of residence life.

Appropriate Dress

All personal apparel and attire worn while on GFU property must be free from any direct or indirect references that include, but are not limited to profanity, drugs, alcohol, marijuana, sexually offensive or suggestive, discriminatory, harassing, or demeaning items.

Movies and Music

Because music and movies are primary forms of art and entertainment in American culture, the university encourages students to think seriously about the artistic merits as well as the moral and philosophical implications of these mediums. Students are encouraged to select films of aesthetic and ethical interest that offer an important perspective on contemporary culture. It is expected that individuals will diligently use Christian principles in selecting films and music. The university reserves the right to prohibit movies that are not rated if their content is contrary to the university's mission and policies. Entertainment with profanity that can be heard by others is prohibited.

On-Campus Political Activities

As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, in all circumstances ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University is prohibited from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. Even an insubstantial violation may lead to monetary fines and exposes the University to the possibility of revocation of its tax-exempt status. Nevertheless, ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University encourages its students to engage in civic activity, including participation in the political process. To permit the most robust discourse during political campaigns, while at the same time ensuring compliance with the restrictions placed on the University as a tax-exempt organization, the University offers the following student guidelines. Students should observe the following with respect to their participation in national, state or local political campaign activities. Students are prohibited from engaging in the following political activities:

Clubs and organizations desiring to host an event raising awareness around political issues need to receive approval from the Student Activities Director to ensure they avoid the appearance of endorsement of one particular candidate or ballot measure.


Pornographic content and materials in any form are not to be viewed, used, possessed, or distributed on or away from campus. This includes any item (which may include sexually provocative or explicit material) whose content is exploitative, objectifying, or of concern to either gender. Further, the use of institutional or personal computers for the viewing, transmission, retrieval and/or storage of such material is prohibited.

As with other sexual conduct outside the confines of marriage, viewing of pornography is inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture (i.e., Matthew 5:27-28). Above all, the University will seek to be agents of redemption in the lives of any individuals involved. We understand that the viewing and use of pornography is often a surface symptom of a larger struggle. Consequently, the University will offer counsel and assistance to support and strengthen the individual to live consistently with Christian teachings on sexuality, the body, and relationships. Resources, help, and support can be accessed in the following areas:


ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University will come alongside students who are preparing to welcome a new baby. Whether a pregnancy is planned or unplanned, we are prepared to help our students complete their degree, receive medical care, and navigate their new circumstances. Students will receive university support regardless of the circumstances of the pregnancy and there is no community accountability process. We hope this is helpful in removing any barrier a student may have in seeking help and support from the University.      

Every effort will be made to ensure student confidentiality. While some expectant parents may choose to leave the university temporarily, it is our hope that any student who continues in classes during pregnancy and new parenthood will find ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox to be a supportive community. The following university offices or individuals provide services as a resource to expectant parents: 

As you prepare to welcome your child, we pray blessings for you both and we look forward to walking alongside you as you continue your academic endeavors. 

Sexuality & Relationships

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University accepts the biblical standards that prohibit all sexual immorality. In addition to what’s outlined in the Lifestyle Standards, examples of unacceptable behavior include the following:

The dean of students or their staff evaluates situations individually. Accountability and consequences are administered appropriately with the growth and development of each student in mind.