2. Employment Policies and Practices

2.1 Employment Definitions

Adjunct Faculty: A faculty member who is employed on a part-time contract on a semester-by-semester basis for specified classes or services and whose teaching load and faculty responsibilities over the course of an academic semester constitute less than that of full time faculty members. Adjunct faculty positions do not include all of the duties of regular faculty members. Adjunct faculty are not eligible for benefits.

Administrator: An employee whose job duties allow him or her to meet certain criteria to be “exempt” from state and federal minimum wage, overtime, and certain record-keeping requirements. Administrators typically fall into the “executives, managers, or supervisors” or “administrative employees” categories set forth by federal and Oregon wage and hour laws. As such, they are not eligible for overtime pay.

Annualized Salary: Salaries of employees who work less than full time may be stated as “annualized” in order to compare them with salaries of employees that work 40 hours per week for 12 months of the year. An annualized salary is obtained by dividing the actual salary by the employee’s FTE. Example: A .75-FTE employee’s actual salary of $22,500 is a $30,000 annualized salary.

Employment at Will: Employment at will means either an employee or the university is free to conclude the employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, with or without cause, and the employment relationship is not for any specified period of time. Oregon is an “at-will” state, so employees not employed on contracts are “at will.”

Exempt: The legal classification for employees who are paid a salary and are not subject to (are exempt from) state and federal minimum-wage, overtime, and some recordkeeping requirements. Certain criteria, including the types of job duties performed, have to be met to properly classify an employee as exempt. At the university, administrators and faculty are exempt employees

Faculty: An employee who is employed on a faculty contract. Like an administrator, a faculty member is exempt from state and federal wage and hour laws. Faculty meet the state and federal definitions of “professional employee.”

Full-Time Employee: Any support staff or administrator regularly scheduled to work 40 hours per week for 12 months of the year and whose total scheduled hours are 2,080 hours during the fiscal year. These scheduled hours include paid vacation, sick leave, and holiday hours. A full-time faculty member is one with an assigned workload of at least 24 credit hours during the academic year.

Full-time Equivalency (FTE): Stated as a decimal, FTE is a term used to indicate a person’s status as a portion of full time. These scheduled hours include paid vacation, holidays, and sick leave. An employee's FTE is used to determine eligibility for and level of benefits.

Introductory Period: All new, rehired, or transferred support staff and administrators have an introductory period of six months. This gives a new employee’s supervisor the opportunity to assess the employee’s performance and ability to meet the assigned responsibilities of his or her position throughout this period. If, in the judgment of management, the employee’s performance is satisfactory, the employee generally becomes a regular employee. However, if at any time during the introductory period, the supervisor deems an employee’s performance is marginal or unsatisfactory, the university may end the employment; or the introductory period may be extended for up to 60 additional days to further evaluate performance and suitability for the job. The use of this introductory period is not intended to affect at-will status, nor does it imply that employment continues for the entirety of this period or beyond it.

Nonexempt: The legal classification for employees who are subject to (not exempt from) state and federal minimum wage and overtime laws, and greater record-keeping requirements. At the university, support staff and temporary employees are nonexempt.

Part-time Employee: Any employee who works less than full time (is less than 1.0 FTE)

Regular Employee: Any support staff, administrator, or faculty member who is hired into an approved, budgeted, ongoing position and who is not in an introductory period.

Rehire: An employee who has been previously employed by the university on at least a regular, half-time basis for a minimum of one year and whose break in service is not greater than five years. (See Section 4, Your Benefits, for information about benefits for rehires.)

Remote Employee: An employee who is working away from their campus office/department for 60% or more of their scheduled work hours.  Non-Exempt employees may not work remotely outside of the states of Oregon and Washington.  Exempt remote employees outside of Oregon and Washington must be pre-approved by HR. 

Retiree: Any employee whose termination from the university occurs at age 62 or older with at least 15 years of service.

Senior Administrator: An administrator who is an academic dean, vice president, provost or president.

Staff: Regular employees who are not faculty, including support staff, administrators and senior administrators.

Support Staff: An employee whose job responsibilities provide support services and who is subject to minimum wage, overtime, and record-keeping requirements under state and federal law.

Temporary Employee: An employee who is hired for less than six months. Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits.

Temporary Part-time (TPT) Employee: An employee who is hired for less than six months and  works less than full time (is less than 1.0 FTE).

2.2 Employment Policies

2.2.1 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

The university is an equal-opportunity employer. Every employee has the right to work in surroundings free from all forms of unlawful discrimination. It is our policy to make decisions about applicants and employees without regard to sex, age, race, color, marital status, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other status to the extent prohibited by applicable local, state, or federal law. This prohibition applies not only to the recruiting and hiring process but to all facets of the employment relationship, including promotion, pay, training, classification, performance reviews, discipline, and termination.

ӶƵ Fox is owned by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church and its mission is distinctly Christian. Employees are required to agree with and abide by the university’s faith statement and its statement of community responsibilities. Within the context of this agreement and commitment, employment opportunities are otherwise available to all persons on the basis of their experience and skills.

In the recruiting process, the university may make special effort to solicit applicants from underrepresented groups. This is done as an affirmative step to increase the representation of these populations in the university’s workforce to better match their availability in the labor market. Hiring decisions are based on the applicants’ qualifications as they relate to the needs of the position.

2.2.2 Antidiscrimination and Antiharassment Policy

The university’s employees work in and students live and work in an environment where the dignity of each individual is respected. Harassment due to race, color, sex, marital status, religion, age, national origin, citizenship status, workers’ compensation status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other status to the extent protected under applicable local, state, or federal law is prohibited. All directors, supervisors, employees, and students are expected to work actively to maintain an education and workplace environment free from unlawful discrimination and harassment and to conduct themselves in such a way as to ensure no discrimination or harassment occurs.


Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation or pregnancy), national origin, older age (beginning at age 40), disability, or genetic information (including family medical history). Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Anti-discrimination laws also prohibit harassment against individuals in retaliation for filing a discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit under these laws; or opposing employment practices that they reasonably believe discriminate against individuals, in violation of these laws.

Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not rise to the level of illegality. To be unlawful, the conduct must create a work environment that would be intimidating, hostile, or offensive to reasonable people.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when:

The conduct prohibited may be verbal, visual, or physical in nature. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, physical touching, or the granting or withholding of benefits (e.g., pay, promotion, time off, grades) in response to sexual conduct. More subtle forms of inappropriate behavior, such as offensive posters, cartoons, caricatures, comments, and jokes of a sexual nature are also prohibited, as they may constitute sexual harassment when they contribute to a hostile or offensive work or student-life environment.

Discrimination involves treating somone unfavorably because of a protected factor. The law forbids descrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits and any other term or condition of employment. Protected factors include; 



If any employee or student believes he or she has witnessed discrimination or harassment, has been discriminated against, or has been subjected to sexual or other forms of harassment, the person should immediately report it as follows:

Complaints are to be investigated promptly and appropriate corrective action taken. Retaliation is prohibited for good-faith reporting of concerns about discrimination or harassment

Employees who are asked to testify during an investigation are expected to cooperate fully. Retaliation against them for doing so is not tolerated. Any employee found to have engaged in discrimination, harassment, or retaliation is subject to immediate disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the university, up to and including termination.

While the above processes for dealing with allegations of discrimination or harassment are in lieu of the Dispute Resolution Process (described in Section 2.7), if the above efforts fail to resolve the complaint, the employee is expected, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to enter into mediation or legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation.

2.2.3 Disability Accommodation Policy

From time to time, employees with disabilities may need accommodations in the workplace. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and comparable state laws, the university is committed to assisting employees with disabilities by working for reasonable accommodations in their work environments to enable them to perform the essential functions of their jobs.

If an employee believes he or she has a disability for which accommodation is needed, he or she should obtain a Disability Accommodation Request, an Authorization for Release of Medical Information, and a Physician’s Medical Review form from the Office of Human Resources. These forms must be completed and returned to aid in providing reasonable accommodation. The university may offer a reasonable accommodation other than one requested by the employee if it is determined the alternative reasonable accommodation allows the employee to perform essential job functions.

To protect the employee’s privacy, effort is made to keep information surrounding the accommodation request confidential to the degree practical. The Director of Human Resources, the university’s ADA compliance officer, the employee’s supervisors (up to and including the vice president or provost), and those involved in facilitating the accommodation may be notified of a request and related information to the extent appropriate.

2.2.4 Whistleblower Protection Policy

A whistleblower, as defined by this policy, is an employee of ӶƵ Fox University who reports an activity of an agent of the university that he/she considers to be illegal or dishonest. The whistleblower is not responsible for investigating the activity or for determining fault or corrective measures. Appropriate management officials are charged with these responsibilities.

Examples of illegal or dishonest activities are violations of federal, state or local laws; billing for services not performed or for goods not delivered; fraudulent financial reporting; forgery, and other related illegal acts.

If an employee has knowledge of or a concern of illegal or dishonest fraudulent activity by an agent of the university, the employee must contact the vice president for financial affairs. The employee must exercise sound judgment to avoid baseless allegations. An employee who intentionally or recklessly files a false report of wrongdoing is not a whistleblower and is subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Whistleblower protections are provided in two important areas — confidentiality and against retaliation. Insofar as possible, the confidentiality of the whistleblower is maintained. However, identity may have to be disclosed to conduct a thorough investigation, to comply with the law, and to provide accused individuals their legal rights of defense. ӶƵ Fox University will not retaliate against a whistleblower. Any whistleblower who believes he/she is being retaliated against must contact the vice president for financial affairs immediately

All reports of illegal and dishonest activities by an agent of the university must be promptly submitted to the vice president for financial affairs, who is responsible for investigating and coordinating corrective action. Employees with any questions regarding this policy should contact the vice president for financial affairs.

In the event the vice president for financial affairs is suspected to be involved in any illegal or dishonest act or to have not taken appropriate action to investigate or take appropriate corrective action, employees must contact the president of the university

The board of trustees’ property, finance, and audit committee chair or the chair of the board of trustees should be contacted in the event the suspected illegal or dishonest act involves the university president.

2.2.5 Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace Policy

ӶƵ Fox University is committed to maintaining a safe, healthy and alcohol and drugfree professional workplace and educational environment for faculty, staff and students. While few, if any, at the university are involved with illegal drugs or alcohol use while at work, those who may be involved adversely affect the university’s professional and educational environment. Such individuals also impair our ability to maintain a safe campus that is free from the effects of drugs and alcohol.

Recognizing that there may be faculty, staff or students who have an alcohol or drug problem, the university stands willing to assist in the resolution of that problem and encourages anyone to seek help. Faculty, staff or students covered by a university-offered medical health plan may refer to that plan for details of their coverage regarding treatment.

For the university’s good and to comply with our obligation under the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the university has adopted and will enforce the following policy in order to maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace:

The unlawful sale, possession, manufacture, distribution, dispensation, use, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or controlled substances while in or on university owned or controlled property is prohibited and will be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Further, the use of drugs or alcohol or being under its influence during work hours, including during meal periods and breaks, is also absolutely prohibited. Violation of these rules by an employee or student will be reason for mandatory testing and/or treatment for substance abuse, and/or for disciplinary action. The type of disciplinary action taken for either or both will depend upon the situation; however, it might include termination, suspension, probation, required rehabilitation, expulsion, referral for prosecution, or a combination of these measures.

Since the university is a federal grant recipient, as a condition of employment, all employees must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify the university of any criminal drug conviction within five days of the conviction where workplace conduct is involved.

Any employee who believes another employee or student may be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol or has otherwise violated this policy should report it to his or her own or the suspected employee’s supervisor, a vice president, the provost, the Director of Human Resources, or a security officer.

Upon reasonable suspicion 1 of violation of the university’s drug and alcohol policy, an employee may be required to provide a sample for drug or alcohol testing upon request.

ӶƵ Fox also reserves the right to test an employee for drug or alcohol use after he or she is involved in a vehicle or other accident occurring during work hours, violates a safety or operating procedure in a way that reflects bad judgment, or has a criminal conviction involving drugs or alcohol. In addition, employees whose job duties include operation of university vehicles with a Class C license will be subject to random testing and must cooperate in providing a sample upon request.

The university uses a third party to conduct any alcohol and drug testing. Specimens are drug tested only by a NIDA approved laboratory. In accordance with Oregon law, any positive drug test shall be confirmed using a licensed, certified clinical laboratory. Employees are entitled, upon request, to testing results. The director of safety, the Director of Human Resources, the provost, or any vice president or a designee of any of these can arrange with the vendor for a drug test.

Violations of this policy include testing positive, refusal to test 2 , or interfering in any way with the enforcement of the policy or its collection and testing procedures.

Policy violations will subject the employee or student to immediate disciplinary action as described earlier in this policy.

ӶƵ Fox University will support all local, State and Federal laws relating to illegal drug and alcohol abuse.

2.2.6 Smoking Policy

ӶƵ Fox University provides a smoke-free environment to its employees, students and guests. The university prohibits smoking and all forms of tobacco use everywhere oncampus; as well as off-campus by employees and traditional undergraduate students.

2.3 The Employment Process

The university attempts to fill each job opening with the person best qualified for the position. Applicants may include current employees (internal candidates), former employees, other external applicants, or a combination of all three groups.

2.3.1 Hiring Process

Hiring Employees

The hiring process begins with a completed Approval to Recruit Form (ARF). A completed ARF includes the justification for the position, the job desciption, budget approval, compensation range placement and employee classification. The hiring manager provides the justification and job description. Budget approval is provided by Finance while compensation and employee classification is provided by Human Resources. Once the ARF is completed and approved, then the position can be posted. All open positions (including new and existing positions) must be posted for the position's specified duration before offering employment. Background and reference checks must also be completed before an official offer is made in writing.

Check Requests for Employees, Students and Individual Independent Contractors

Check requests cannot be used as a means to hire or enter into a work agreement. In other words, one cannot offer employment to anyone and pay them via payroll check request without first receiving approval through ӶƵ Fox Timekeeping.

To make a request to pay an employee, student or individual independent contractor visit ӶƵ Fox Timekeeping.  Make requests 30 days prior to planned start date in order to plan for processing time.  Engagements may not begin without prior approval.

Individuals who qualify to be paid as an independent contractor will be routed and paid through accounts payable.  Individuals who will be paid as employees will be paid through payroll.  

Personnel Changes and the Personnel Change Form

A Personnel Change Form (PCF) is required when any of the following employment changes take place:

If an employee is unsure whether a PCF is needed in their situation, they need to contact Human Resources.

2.3.2 Employment of Relatives

In accordance with Oregon labor law, the university does not restrict the employment of relatives — with two exceptions. Generally, one family member is not allowed to supervise another family member directly, nor is a family member allowed to occupy a position in which a conflict of interest or the appearance of favoritism is likely to occur. For this policy, “family member” includes husband, wife, son, son-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-inlaw, brother, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, stepparent, or stepchild. Employees must disclose any such relationships to the Office of Human Resources. 

2.3.3 Other Close Relationships

Supervisors are not allowed to have dating relationships with people who report to them, directly or indirectly. Neither does the university generally allow the supervision of an employee in close personal relationships with his or her supervisor, including but not limited to house- or roommates. The university reserves the right to decide when a personal relationship has the likelihood of compromising a supervisor’s fair and objective performance. Employees must disclose any such relationships to the Office of Human Resources.

2.3.4 Background Checks

The university is committed to hiring qualified employees that will support and further its mission and to providing a safe and secure environment for all university constituents, including students, visitors and employees. It is also important that the university take meaningful actions to protect its funds, property and other assets. Conducting background checks on potential new hires is one way the university can work to meet this commitment and is an important part of the selection process.

The university may use the services of a third party to obtain background information on applicants being considered for hire and current employees that move into new positions with the university. This process is conducted to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the candidate or employee and to determine his/her suitability for employment. The extent of the background check and the information sought will depend on the position and may include some or all of the following: social security number, name, and address history search; criminal check; sex offender search; education, license, and/or certification verification; employment credit report; employment verification and reference check; and driving record. Job offers may be contingent on successful background screening results. The university reserves the right to make the sole determination concerning information or any employment decision arising out of the background check. Background checks are conducted in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and any other applicable federal and state statutes.

2.3.5 Relocation Assistance

Effective Date


Date of Scheduled Review



The objective of relocation assistance is to help mitigate the costs associated with moving and support the qualified employee during their transition to ӶƵ Fox.  


Faculty positions and some administrative positions qualify for relocation assistance.  The employee must have a signed contract or offer letter with the university for a regular ongoing and permanent position in order to qualify for relocation assistance.  Additionally; 

Employees filling temporary positions, including visiting faculty are not eligible for relocation assistance.  

Relocation assistance for senior administrator positions are negotiated individually and apart from this policy.


The distance of the move and number of family members moving is taken into consideration in determining the amount of relocation assistance.  

50-1999 Miles

2000+ Miles




Employee plus family



2.3.6 Identification Cards for Employees

Each employee should obtain a university identification (ID) card soon after hire. This card has the employee’s picture and signature and indicates whether he or she is support staff, administrator, or faculty.

ID cards are used to allow employees access to campus buildings and to verify employment and eligibility for various services and employee privileges on campus, including discounts at the university stores, checking out materials from university libraries, granting free admission to most sports events for the employee and his or her family members, and more.

2.3.7 Personnel Records and Personal Information

A personnel file is kept on each employee in the Office of Human Resources. It contains documents related to employment, benefits, performance, etc. A personnel file on each faculty member is also maintained in the Office of Academic Affairs.

An employee may inspect any or all of his or her personnel file. At the employee’s request, arrangements are made for him or her to review the file in the Office of Human Resources. If an employee or former employee requests a copy of his or her personnel file, the Office of Human Resources provides it with a copying charge.  

2.3.8 Additional Employment

Employees must obtain the approval of their supervisor(s) up to and including the vice president/provost before accepting additional employment. This includes additional employment with the university.

2.3.9 Promotions and Transfers

Employees may apply for open positions. Support staff and administrator positions are generally open for a minimum of five working days before they are closed or filled. It is each employee’s responsibility to check the university’s website to stay abreast of current openings (jobs.georgefox.edu). Internal candidates may be considered before external candidates, but usually they are considered concurrently with any other applicants. The hiring supervisor seeks the best candidate based on qualifications and long-term fit for the position.

To apply for a posted position, an employee completes a transfer request form. A cover letter and résumé should accompany this form and be submitted to the Office of Human Resources. Generally, two weeks’ notice is required before a support staff member can transfer to the new position; for administrators, there is a one-month notice period.

Except under unusual, extenuating circumstances, employees should not be asked to stay in their current positions longer than these periods, and then only by mutual agreement of both supervisors.

If an employee applies for and accepts a position on a lower pay range than he or she is on currently, a pay decrease should go into effect on the effective date of the transfer. In the case of a position being eliminated and an employee being transferred or reclassified into a lower position at the university’s request a pay decrease generally will not occur upon transfer. (See Section 3.1.3(d) Salary Determinations and Adjustments, Demotions.)

2.4 Work Hours

For most departments at the university, the normal work schedule is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and each department should be open during these hours. Individual work schedules, including break periods and meal times, may vary by department depending on departmental needs or preferences. An employee’s supervisor must approve variations to the normal workday or work week for the employee. The appropriate vice president or provost must approve any variations to the normal workday or work week for a department. Any variations in work schedules should not result in interruption or delay of services. The university reserves the right to change an employee’s work schedule as deemed necessary or preferable

2.4.1 Breaks

A 15-minute paid rest period is provided to employees once in the morning and once in the afternoon, approximately midway during a four-hour work period. The exact time period may be determined by the supervisor to ensure continuous department staffing throughout the day. In accordance with Oregon wage and hour law, nonexempt employees must take breaks. Breaks are not cumulative and may not be used to arrive late, leave early, extend lunch periods, or accrue additional paid time off.

2.4.2a Breaks for Expression of Breast Milk

In accordance with Oregon law, a 30-minute rest period for each four hour work period is provided to employees with children 18 months or younger for the purpose of expressing breast milk. When feasible, this rest period should be taken at the same time as the regular break (See Section 2.4.1 above.) and meal periods (See Section 2.4.2 below.) The employee has the choice of three options to account for any additional time taken beyond the paid 15-minute break period. She can work before or after her regular shift to make up the time, she can take time as unpaid time off or she can choose to use vacation to cover the time. Her choice should be communicated to her supervisor and the employee’s time sheet should be completed carefully to accurately reflect her choice.

The university will also make a reasonable effort to provide the employee with a private location within close proximity to her work area to express milk and will also provide a location for storing the milk. This may be a refrigerator near the employee’s work area or a place for the employee to keep an insulated food container or cooler.

An employee wishing to be provided a break and/or location for expressing breast milk or a location for its storage, should notify her supervisor or the Director of Human Resources or associate Director of Human Resources.

2.4.2 Meal Periods

Meal periods are required for nonexempt employees if an employee works a shift that is six or more hours long. They are generally not paid and are intended to give employees opportunity for refreshment and a break from their work. The exact time period may be determined by the supervisor to ensure continuous department staffing. The lunch break should be taken about midway during the shift. A meal period should not be less than 30 minutes or longer than one hour. Normally, work should not be required during a meal period. In the occasional instance the supervisor requires a nonexempt employee to work through the meal period, the meal period is paid.

2.5 Employee Performance

2.5.1  Performance Evaluation Process

The performance evaluation process at the university is intended to benefit support staff and administrative employees. As each employee is given regular, clear, objective feedback regarding performance, he or she receives acknowledgment of performance and has the opportunity to improve performance when the need is indicated. The review process assists each employee with his or her development and establishes a written record of work performance.

Performance reviews are based on various factors that may include integration of faith and lifestyle, service orientation, initiative, strategic leadership, communication and interpersonal skills, accountability, responsibility, teamwork, flexibility/adaptability, productivity, judgment, dependability, job knowledge and execution, and work safety/environment. The results of goals set at the employee’s previous review are also considered in assessing each employee’s performance.

Each administrative and support-staff employee of the university should receive a performance review before the end of the introductory period and annually thereafter. Certain situations may warrant a review at an interval outside of the normal annual cycle, such as when an employee transfers out of the department or a supervisor leaves the department. Additionally, if an employee is not meeting the expectations of the job, an interim performance review may be completed at any time the supervisor deems appropriate. In any of these cases, if it has been less than six months since the last performance review, an abbreviated, narrative format may be used instead of the standard form.

The employee’s signature is required on the form to indicate he or she has read the performance review and has discussed it with the supervisor. The signature does not indicate agreement. 

2.5.2 Corrective Action Process

The employee corrective action process exists to improve performance and/or behavior problems in order to develop and maintain long-term, successful employees. There are three important aspects of the corrective action process 1) coaching employees to improve performance and/or behavior, 2) communicating an expectation for change and improvement when problems occur, and 3) documenting the performance and/or behavioral problem and corrective action.

This section explains the university’s approach to addressing performance and behavioral-related problems. Please keep in mind that nothing in this section is intended to diminish the university’s discretion as to its workforce. The university expressly reserves the right to determine the method of proceeding in each individual case. Factors such as the nature, frequency, severity, and/or risk of an employee act, issue or concern, may be used in making a determination of the method of disciplinary action appropriate for the case. For example, cases where an employee has violated the terms of an employment contract, exhibited behaviors that violate the harassment policies, or that are not in living agreement with our faith and lifestyle statements (or other serious and significant issues) will generally be given a minimum of a written warning (which must be sent to Human Resources for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file), but could result in termination of employment being the first disciplinary action.

In all cases of corrective action, the supervisor giving the corrective action must inform his or her direct supervisor of the issue and the corrective action taken within five days of knowledge of an incident or case. Any incidents or cases involving corrective action that 1) violate the terms of an employment contract, 2) violate the harassment policies, or 3) are not in living agreement with our faith and/or lifestyle statements must be reported immediately to the vice president overseeing the department and to the Human Resources department.

Each corrective action listed below, other than termination, is designed to explore, on a case-by-case basis, a performance and/or behavioral problem and determine what corrective action is required. Factors such as an employee’s training, abilities, job requirements, and overall record as well as university guidelines, procedures, and policies should be considered when analyzing a performance or behavioral problem.

In considering employee corrective action, a university supervisor has the discretion in each instance to consider all options, including the following, or to consider that termination is appropriate:<

If the supervisor issuing the corrective action needs help or does not understand some aspect of the corrective action process as described above, the supervisor is required to contact either the director of employee relations or the executive director for Human Resources for assistance to ensure they have a clear understanding of the process. Failure to follow the corrective action process correctly could result in corrective action for the supervisor.

2.6 Dispute Resolution Process

This policy is not intended to apply to complaints or problems related to racial, sexual, or other forms of discrimination or harassment prohibited by applicable law. Any concerns about discrimination or harassment should be reported immediately, following the steps outlined in the university’s Antiharassment Policy in Section 2.2.2

From time to time, employees may have disagreements not easily resolved among them. These disagreements may involve peers or an employee and a supervisor. It is our responsibility as Christians to make every effort to settle any conflicts or complaints according to the principles established in God’s Word, the Bible. Using Matthew 18:15– 20, and 1 Corinthians 6:1–8 as our guide, we are to live at peace and to resolve disputes with one another in private or within our Christian institution. Therefore, any claim or dispute arising from or related to employment at ӶƵ Fox is to be settled by biblically based mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration. Judgment upon an arbitration decision may be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction.

These methods (described below) shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of employment disputes and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, employees waive their rights to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another or the university for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision

Specifically, grievances should be handled according to the following procedures:

Step 1. Generally, the employee with the concern should go to the person with whom he or she has a disagreement and try to resolve the issue by discussing it with that person.

Step 2. If Step 1 fails to resolve the concern, or if the employee doesn’t use Step 1, the employee may submit to his or her supervisor a detailed, written statement explaining the concern, a summary of his or her attempt to resolve it with the other person(s), the reason he or she believes no resolution has been reached, and a recommended remedy. This statement should be as concise and specific as possible. After reviewing the statement, the supervisor may:

  1. Meet with the employee for further clarification of the concern.
  2. Meet with the other person(s) to better understand his or her perspective regarding the concern.
  3. Meet with both parties together to discuss the issue and offer a resolution.
  4. Do all or some of the above.

Following any meeting(s), the supervisor should prepare a written response summarizing the situation and presenting any conclusion(s), agreement(s), or recommendation(s) regarding a satisfactory resolution. This response should be given to all parties involved in the grievance within five working days of the meeting unless more time is needed.

Step 3. If the employee is not satisfied with Step 2, he or she may submit to the secondlevel manager a written, detailed statement explaining the concern, a summary of his or her attempts to resolve it in Steps 1 and 2, the reason he or she believes no resolution has been reached, and a recommended remedy. A copy of the supervisor’s written response should also be given to the second-level manager to review. After reviewing the supervisor’s response, the second-level manager may take all or some of the steps outlined above in Step 2(a) through (d) and should also prepare a written response as described in Step 2.

Step 4. If the employee is not satisfied after the completion of Steps 2 and 3, he or she may submit to the appropriate vice president or provost a written, detailed statement explaining the concern; a summary of his or her attempts to resolve it in Steps 1, 2, and 3; the reason he or she believes any proposed resolutions are not satisfactory; and a recommended remedy. A copy of the supervisor’s and the second-level manager’s written responses shall also be given to the vice president or provost to review. After reviewing all of these materials, the vice president or provost may take all or some of the steps outlined above in Step 2 (a) through (d).

Following any meetings, the vice president or provost prepares a written response as described in Step 2. This is given to all parties involved in the grievance as well as to the supervisor and manager involved in Steps 2 and 3.

Generally, this is the final level of appeal in the internal process, although a final written appeal may be made to the president.

If the grievance is with the supervisor, skip Step 2; if with the second-level manager, skip Steps 2 and 3. If the issue is with an employee’s vice president or provost, Step 1 should be followed, and if the issue is not resolved, the employee may seek review by the president.

The Director of Human Resources may be contacted for coaching at any point during this grievance resolution process; however, the employee is required to follow the steps in the process in the order in which they are given.

If these steps fail to resolve a grievance or dispute, the employee is expected to enter into mediation or legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation.

2.7 Electronic Communications, Technology, and Data Security 

2.7.1 Electronic Equipment

All computers and electronic telephone media are university property and should be used only for business purposes or appropriate personal use outside work hours and at the convenience of the university. These include, but are not limited to, computers, fax machines, telex machines, modems, telephones, removable data storage media, e-mail, and voicemail. The university reserves the right to terminate personal usage of any or all of these at its sole discretion. Any private usage during business hours, or inappropriate use at any time, is against university policy and may subject employees to discipline up to and including termination. 

Any education records covered by FERPA are the property of ӶƵ Fox University and should be protected for both the students’ and the institution’s privacy.

2.7.2 E-mail

E-mail is not private and confidential. The university reserves the right to monitor e-mail transmissions as needed to determine if e-mail is being used other than for legitimate business or appropriate personal purposes and to protect the university against fraud, copyright infringement, sabotage, or other business policy violations. The university may also record and disclose to others any employee’s electronic communications at any time, with or without notice. The employee has no personal privacy in anything created, received, or sent through the e-mail system

All electronic communication, whether sent within the university or to persons outside the university, should be courteous and professional in all respects and should not contain any statements that would embarrass the university or any of its employees or students or that may violate the university’s antiharassment policies or FERPA privacy laws.

The university’s antiharassment policy is applicable to electronic communication, and the university prohibits the transmittal of messages that may constitute intimidating, hostile, or offensive material on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status to the extent protected under applicable federal, state, or local law.

E-mail messages that personally identify any student(s) and contain education record information are covered by FERPA privacy laws and must not be released or shared with anyone who is not a ӶƵ Fox University school official with a legitimate educational interest in the information contained in the e-mail message.  E-mail messages that are deleted are no longer considered to be “maintained” under FERPA.

Employees should exercise extreme caution before sending anything through the e-mail system because e-mail messages are not private and can be intercepted by other parties. Furthermore, merely deleting an e-mail message does not purge the message from the system. E-mail messages can be monitored and recorded at all times, as well as resurrected from the system even after the message has been deleted.

In making personal use of the electronic communications systems, employees should exercise a rule of reason and utilize electronic communications systems consistently within the university’s mission. Employees are prohibited from widely posting personal messages. As in all electronic communication, personal messages should be courteous and formally written and should not contain any statements that may be construed as intimidating, hostile, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate.

2.7.3 Personal E-mail and Telephone Usage

Most employees have access to a computer with word processing and other software applications, as well as e-mail and Internet access. The university allows employees to use these tools for their personal purposes as long as they are used outside of work time. Documents, when printed, are subject to the fees as outlined in Section 5.5.

ӶƵ Fox University business, including any FERPA protected information, should never be conducted via personal e-mail.  If any messages are unintentionally created or received within one’s personal e-mail account, forward the message string to a GFU e-mail account and delete it from the personal account.

Employees may use their work telephones to make and receive occasional, brief, necessary, local personal telephone calls. They should be made/received during an employee’s break or meal period whenever possible. Voicemail, like e-mail, is not confidential. Employees are not allowed to make personal long-distance calls from university telephones using their long-distance dialing codes. Personal long-distance calls should be made using a phone card or from a personal cell phone. Employees are prohibited from giving the university’s toll-free number to friends or family members for use in calling the employee at work. All incoming calls on the university’s toll-free line create an expense for the university. The use of this line is restricted to students, prospective students, and others with a business purpose. 

If a supervisor determines the personal use of any of these electronic communication, telecommunication, or other university tools or equipment is excessive or interferes with an employee’s work time, he or she may restrict or deny communications and activities as deemed appropriate. If it is determined that any of these have been used inappropriately, even for personal use, corrective action may be taken, up to and including termination.

2.7.4 Voicemail

Voicemail systems are university property and should be used only for legitimate business and appropriate personal purposes. Voicemail messages are not private and confidential. The university reserves the right to monitor all voicemail messages to ensure voicemail is being used only for legitimate business purposes as well as to protect the university against fraud, sabotage, or other business policy violations. The university may disclose voicemail messages to others at any time, with or without notice. Employees retain no personal privacy right to anything created, received, or sent to or from the voicemail system.

Voicemail messages, and the resulting e-mail messages containing voicemail audio, which personally identify any student(s) and contain education record information, are covered by FERPA privacy laws and must not be released or shared with anyone who is not a ӶƵ Fox University school official with a legitimate education interest in the information contained in the voicemail  message. Voicemail messages that are deleted are no longer considered to be “maintained” under FERPA.

Voicemail messages should be professional and courteous and should not contain statements that would embarrass the university or any of its employees or students or that may violate the university’s antiharassment policy. The university’s antiharassment policy is fully applicable to voicemail messaging. The university expressly prohibits the transmittal of voicemail messages that may contain or constitute intimidating, hostile, or offensive material on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or any other status to the extent protected under applicable federal, state, or local law.

2.7.5 Cellular/Voice Data

Cellular phones and remote data services may be provided to employees who, by the nature of their positions, need to conduct University business via voice or email away from their office on a frequent basis. These employees are expected to know and adhere to the university’s cellular/voice data policy. For more information and to initiate the process of submitting a request, please email the Office of People & Culture.

2.7.6 Internet

Employees may access the Internet from university-owned equipment only for legitimate business purposes during work hours. Employees are prohibited from using the Internet from university-owned computers for entertainment or other personal purposes during working hours. Employees are not allowed to download music, movies, etc. from Internet sites for personal use at any time. Downloading copyrighted material of any kind is prohibited, except for business or academic use within “fair use limits.” Employees shall not post anything on the Internet from university-owned equipment without the express prior approval of university management. 

The university keeps a log of Internet sites its employees visit. This log is monitored periodically, and employees who violate the policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Employees working offsite must utilize VPN for security purposes.

2.7.7 Website

The university website can be found at www.georgefox.edu. Employees are welcome to visit our website. It is updated on an ongoing basis to provide more services and information to both internal and external visitors. Employees are prohibited from linking personal websites and/or personal or company e-mail addresses to the ӶƵ Fox website without the express prior consent of university management. 

2.7.8 Security/Software Licenses

Employees are prohibited from using passwords and codes, accessing files, or retrieving any stored communications other than those to which they have specifically authorized access. All computer passwords and codes and voicemail codes are the property of the university and must be provided to an employee’s supervisor when requested.

Employees are not allowed to copy any university-owned software without the prior approval of Institutional Technology. This policy also prohibits copying software to install on other university-owned equipment or for an employee’s personal use. Employees working offsite must utilize VPN for security purposes. Employees shall not load any programs or software onto university-owned equipment without the prior approval of Institutional Technology or university management.

All purchases of computer-related hardware and software, excluding consumable items such as printer ribbons, blank disks, etc., must be approved by Institutional Technology. Any violation of the Electronic Communication and Technology Policy may subject employees to discipline, up to and including termination. 

2.7.9 Information Security

The Information Security Policy is intended to help employees determine what information is allowed to be disclosed to non-employees, as well as the relative sensitivity of information that should not be disclosed outside of ӶƵ Fox University without proper authorization. Such information includes, but is not limited to, information that is stored or shared via any means, including electronically, on paper, and information shared orally or visually (such as telephone and video conferencing).

All ӶƵ Fox University information is categorized into one of two main classifications:

Public information is accessible to the public and may be freely distributed without any possible liability to ӶƵ Fox University or its community.

Directory information is defined in section of this handbook and may be released in some instances.  Students may restrict release of their directory information entirely. Questions about release of any directory information should be referred to the Registrar’s Office.

Confidential information includes all other information. There are varying levels of confidentiality of information, requiring some information to be protected in a more secure manner, including non-directory information protected by federal and state regulations (such as, but not limited to, FERPA, DMA, HIPPAA, GLBA, TEACH act). If an employee is uncertain of the sensitivity of a particular piece of information or whether it is appropriate to provide it to an individual or organization, he or she should consult the supervisor.

Confidential information that is stored electronically should be stored only on universityprovided devices and should not be store on a personal computer off campus (e.g. home, office). Institutional electronic assets/information should be accessed via VPN or FoxFiles.

The following guidelines provide details on how to protect information at varying sensitivity levels and should be used as a reference only.

Minimal Sensitivity (Public):

Maximum Sensitivity (Confidential): Non-directory information, including student Social Security numbers

2.7.10 PDAs and Mass Storage Devices

Properly managing data is essential when using mass storage devices as they relate to university information assets. This policy applies to the use of all institutionally provided PDAs, Pocket PCs, communication devices, cell phones, mass storage devices such as thumb/jump drives, USB hard drives, iPods and data storage tools such as Secure Digital and Compact flash transferable memory cards. In addition, this policy applies to personally owned PDA/Mass Storage devices used to store ӶƵ Fox institutional information.

Security Controls: Institutional data should not be stored on PDA’s and mass storage devices other than for file or data transfer between approved University computers with the sole purpose of conducting institutional and educational activity.

Thumb/jump drives should be password protected and encrypted. Password protected requires that a password be entered to access the device or if the device has been idle for a period of time. This prevents the unauthorized use of a lost or stolen device. Passwords should follow strong password guidelines found on the IT website.

University Support of PDA/Mass Storage Devices

PDAs must meet university hardware and software standards in order to receive support for the device. A list of currently supported hardware, operating systems and applications can be found on the university’s IT website. GFU will provide technical assistance to faculty and staff on supported PDAs. Access to this support is available by contacting the IT Service Desk via email at: servicedesk@georgefox.edu or by calling 503-554-2569.

Failure to comply with this policy will be reviewed by the university and referred to the Chief Technology Officer. Consequences may include corrective action, up to and including termination.

2.8 Travel on University Business

The university fairly and equitably reimburses employees for necessary and reasonable travel expenses incurred on university business. Employees are responsible for complying with the university’s travel policies and for being good stewards of the university’s resources during travel, including making travel arrangements far enough in advance to obtain optimum pricing. Prior to making reservations or otherwise committing university funds, travel must be approved by a department head, dean, vice president or provost. Expenses incurred without preapproval may not be reimbursed.

A comprehensive travel guidelines document is available on the Financial Affairs website. It is intended to facilitate standard travel practices and to assist employees in planning and documenting their expenses. It provides extensive, specific instructions and guidelines regarding various ӶƵ Fox aspects of travel expenses, including guidelines to determine when it is more cost effective for the employee to rent a car rather than to use a personal vehicle. This document also is intended to ensure compliance with federal tax rules.

2.8.1 Use of University-Owned Vans

The university owns several vans that may be used for university business. Plant Services handles the arrangements for the use of these vans. See also Section 7.3 Mandatory Passenger Van Driver Safety Training.

2.8.2 Use of University-Issued Credit and Calling Cards

Employees whose jobs require a significant amount of travel outside the local area may be issued calling cards, credit cards, or both. The employee’s supervisor requests such cards from the Office of Financial Affairs. These cards are obtained in the university’s name and are to be used only for expenses directly related to university business and travel. They may not be used for personal expenditures or for personal cash advances.

2.9 Solicitation

In the interest of maintaining a proper and productive business environment and preventing interference with work and inconvenience to others, employees or their dependents may not distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions, or solicit for any other cause during work time. Solicitation is limited to break areas and during break periods of all involved (including morning and afternoon rest periods and lunch periods). Solicitation should be limited to making printed material available in one’s own break area and answering the questions of interested employees during break periods. Employees are not allowed to pressure co-workers or students about purchasing products or services or making donations. Employees or their family members are not allowed to send printed solicitation materials through campus mail. Solicitations should not be made via e-mail or telephone or voice mail directly to any employee.

Nonemployees are not permitted to distribute literature or printed materials of any kind, sell merchandise, solicit financial contributions, solicit for any other cause, or conduct any activity on university property that is not specifically authorized or directly related to university business. Individually addressed personal or business correspondence from off campus must be mailed through the U.S. Postal Service.

Employees are not allowed to provide the campus or personal address information of other employees to third parties unless it is specifically authorized and directly related to university business. Violation of this policy in its entirety or in part may result in the loss of future solicitation privileges or corrective action, up to and including termination.

2.10 Postings on Campus Bulletin Boards

Posting of material on bulletin boards requires the approval of an authorized person within the building. The name of that person should be available on each bulletin board. Posters, notices, etc. are to be posted only on bulletin boards — not on windows, doors, or walls (internal or external). Anything misposted may be removed without notice.

Exceptions are private offices and rooms and the student government portion of the Klages Center. Exceptions also are made for temporary signs and notices on building doors regarding class or meeting cancellations, or events postponed, rescheduled, or relocated. Fliers to be posted on tables or bulletin boards in student areas, such as Bruin Den, living areas, Klages Center, etc. must have the approval of the Associated Student Community (ASC).

2.11 Flyer Distribution

Announcements of upcoming university events can be distributed through the university’s mail services if each flier includes the name of the originating department. A completed distribution form must accompany fliers, indicating to which populations of the campus community the flier is to be distributed. It is the originator’s responsibility to ensure the correct number of fliers is available for distribution in boxes.

2.12 Public Statements on University Matters

For presenting the university’s official position, only certain individuals — such as the president, provost, or a vice president — are authorized to speak on behalf of the university. All callers seeking comments should be referred to the communications office. Other employees may not represent the university without permission from a senior administrator

2.13 Media Inquiries

Employees contacted by the media to speak about their areas of expertise are encouraged to be as helpful as possible. The director of public information should be informed of the contact so he or she can be aware of all media coverage regarding the university.

2.14 Use of University Letterhead

The use of university letterhead stationery should be limited to university business. It is inappropriate to use university letterhead to express personal opinions or for such things as personal references (i.e., for a person you know but who never attended or worked for the university), support of political causes, or personal business. 

2.15 University Graphic and Editorial Representation

The communications office is responsible for ensuring the correct use and integrity of the logo, seal, and the mascot on all university publications, Web pages, supplies, materials, and equipment, whether produced by the university or an outside agency. Thus, all publications and materials intended for an external audience must be reviewed by the communications office for accuracy, editorial style, and graphic representation. The university’s style guides are available on the Office of Marketing and Communications’ home page. Call the director of communications for assistance.

2.16 Political Activities

The university is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. As such, it is prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office, including publishing or distributing of statements; and devoting any substantial part of our activities to the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by federal laws or regulations).

The university strictly prohibits any employee from engaging in any activity that would cause the university to violate any of these restrictions. These restrictions do not prohibit an employee’s individual political activities (as opposed to political activities on behalf of the university). However, any individual political activities must be conducted entirely on the employee’s own time and away from the workplace. University resources, including facilities, telephones, computers, e-mail, copiers, materials, time, or any other resource, may not be used in connection with individual political activities.

1Reasonable suspicion may include but is not limited to: (a) bizarre or altered behavior or appearance at work; (b) substantial loss of productivity at work; (c) repeated tardiness or absences from work; (d) involvement in an on-the-job accident or near miss that resulted in or could have resulted in death or in an injury which requires medical attention or time off from work.

2Refusal to test: engaging in any conduct with the purpose or effect of interfering with collection or test processes, including but not limited to failure to report in a timely fashion to a collection site, submitting an adulterated specimen, substituting a specimen, providing a specimen that is unsuitable for testing, or refusing to provide a second specimen when requested by the collector.

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