Discrimination, Bias and Harassment

Harassment and Discrimination

ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University students and employees work, live, and learn in an environment where the dignity of each individual is respected. Harassment or discrimination due to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, creed, age, national origin, citizenship status, workers' compensation status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under applicable local, state, or federal law; or any other distinguishing characteristic protected by applicable non-discrimination law is prohibited.

Actions that constitute harassment or discrimination may be verbal or physical conduct that includes, but is not limited to the following: demeaning gestures, threats of violence, physical attacks, or any type of threatening or verbal remarks. These behaviors include hazing (please see hazing policy), other initiations, or any actions that may be hazardous, dehumanizing, harassing, or humiliating to people within or outside the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community. Prohibited actions also include vandalism, destruction of a person’s property, the misuse of telephones, voicemail messages, text messages, United States or campus mail, as well as e-mail, social media, or other electronic communication for the purpose of issuing obscene, harassing, or threatening messages.

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's work, academic, or student life environment. Students and employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that shows respect to all and ensures no discrimination or harassment occurs.

Bias-Related Incidents and Hate Crimes

A core value that flows from our Christ-centered mission is that we recognize the dignity and great worth of all people. Some issues that are contrary to this mission, and are not tolerated in our community, including bias-related incidents and hate crimes. Bias-related incidents can be any physical, spoken, visual, or written acts of abuse, harassment, intimidation, vulgarity, or remarks of a personally destructive nature toward another person because of actual or perceived defining characteristics, which include microaggressions. This can occur whether the act is intentional or unintentional, or is directed toward an individual or group regarding race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, creed, age, national origin, citizenship status, workers' compensation status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under applicable local, state, or federal law; or any other distinguishing characteristic protected by applicable non-discrimination law.

A hate crime occurs when a bias-related incident involves a criminal act being committed. These crimes may involve, but are not limited to: physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, or offensive graffiti or letters. Some hate crimes may violate Oregon and/or federal law, which is also a breach of university policies.

Guidelines for Responding to Bias-Related Incidents and Hate Crimes

Responding to concerns and incidents may vary depending on the nature and severity of a specific situation. It can include instances of protected speech that may generate harm, thus requiring intervention with potentially limited consequences. Bias-related incidents need to be addressed because they harm individuals, undermine civility and the understanding of our community, or impede the educational process. Public discussion and education can promote awareness of prejudice and examination of the values that underlie the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community. Incidents may be dealt with through the process of community accountability with appropriate sanctions.

Reporting and Resources

We strongly encourage reporting of any bias-related incidents or hate crimes. The next section in this handbook gives students a variety of options for reporting incidents, as well as ways to receive support and help.

Supporting the Student and Community

The University believes it is important to respond to a bias-related incident or hate crime with concern for the student(s) or other person(s) who have been targeted and the community as a whole. University personnel can assist the student or other person in documenting the event and explaining the options for addressing what has occurred. If the incident involves a violation of a University policy, there is a process for investigation and resolution.

Appropriate assistance is available to students who are targeted. University personnel strive to ensure that the affected student feels safe in their educational environment and may, if appropriate, adjust or change course schedules or take other appropriate measures to assist the student. The University administrator(s) may also offer help documenting the event (i.e. taking photos of the offending material); helping in talking with/filing a complaint with the police; assistance in arranging counseling or other forms of support; or help, as appropriate, in initiating mediation between the affected student or other person and the offender. If it is appropriate, the targeted individual may also elect to participate in a University sponsored discussion about the incident, if one is held.

When bias-related incidents or hate crimes occur on campus, they can strain the fabric of the community. University officials may consider what sort of communication about the incident is appropriate, taking into account various factors such as personal safety and confidentiality. In some cases, public discussion about the incident can serve to educate the community and promote awareness of prejudice. Programs that address bias-related incidents can change a hateful incident into an opportunity for increased understanding and personal growth. In some cases, University personnel may collaborate with other offices on campus and with students to decide to offer programs that include one or more of the following: discussions, open forums, panels, films, speakers, and other educational programming. Among other things, these events may serve to help the community understand and address what has occurred.

Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)

In addition to the response outlined in the Reporting & Resources section, the Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) addresses issues relating to bias-related incidents and hate crimes. The BIRT aids in developing recommendations to help the Student Life Office determine if, when, and how the community should be informed of a bias-related incident or hate crime that has occurred. They also discuss and may implement appropriate educational and programming opportunities in response to an incident.

The BIRT is chaired by the Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence and Chief Diversity Officer and is composed of select faculty, staff, and administrators. The chair may also invite other community members to be on the BIRT as appropriate. When an incident occurs, the BIRT convenes at the request of University personnel or a student. Campus Public Safety may work with the BIRT in order to improve communication about incidents and their implications for groups and individuals within our community. The Newberg-Dundee Police Department may also be invited for discussion of bias-related incidents or hate crimes and may meet with the BIRT as appropriate.

Reporting and Resources for Discrimination, Harassment, Bias-Related Incidents and Hate Crimes

Discrimination, harassment, bias-related incidents, and hate crimes are not tolerated in the ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community. Some actions may also violate local, state, and federal law. Designated University personnel promptly investigate all complaints or allegations.

Appropriate, corrective action may be implemented based on the findings of the investigation. Although demeaning, discriminating, or harassing messages on such things as flyers, posters, emails, social media, voicemails, and graffiti are often obnoxious or worse, it is helpful to preserve them as evidence and not to disturb or remove anything that could help identify the source and/or targets or other affected persons.

If any student or employee believes they have witnessed, or have been subjected to, harassment, discrimination, bias-related incidents, or hate crimes, the person is encouraged to immediately report the incident to student life personnel or the Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence and Chief Diversity Officer. Reports can also be submitted by filling out this .

Any person violating these policies may be subject to appropriate community accountability, up to and including termination if they are an employee, and suspension or dismissal if they are an undergraduate or graduate/adult degree program student. Both the complainant and respondent are notified of the findings and outcomes, as well as have the right to appeal, in cases involving discrimination, harassment, bias-related incidents, or hate crimes.