
Biblical Studies Concentration

Nothing is of higher value than the Word of God. This foundational belief guides and supports our studies as we undertake the great privilege of endeavoring to understand the Bible better and more deeply.

Apply Scripture to Today’s World

The field of biblical studies, a concentration in our theology major, combines aspects of ancient language learning, history and research into the Mediterranean and ancient Near Eastern cultural world of the Bible with deep theological reflection, faith formation and a transformative relationship with God and God’s people.

You can specialize in the Old Testament or New Testament, and course work in a variety of areas helps you view Scripture holistically, faithfully and with a mind toward the world we live in today. Learn, reflect, turn it into action. That is our flow.

Service-Oriented Career Path

Biblical scholars are in service to people. They journey with individuals from all walks of life and at varying intellectual levels to ensure that the nuances of Scripture are understood. They bring grace and clarity by devoting themselves to the pursuit of meaning on behalf of others. They read, write and think deeply about what matters most in a confusing world.

Ultimately, they devote themselves to engaging with the spiritual hunger of those around them, walking with others down a path toward understanding.

Develop Skills that are in High Demand

Courses within biblical studies help students foster the exact skills ranked as most desirable by Fortune 500 companies, such as problem solving, processing complex information, understanding human desire, verbal and written communication, teamwork, and the ability to influence others.

Data shows that those majoring in topics like ancient languages, history, religion and philosophy rank near or at the top of standardized, law school and other graduate-school entrance exams such as the LSAT and GRE.

Myth: ‘This Concentration is Only for Pastors’

On the contrary, this is a robust liberal arts area of study that prepares you for a wide range of vocations. Our students have gone on to careers in business, theatre/acting, social work, nonprofit leadership, law school, marketing, nursing, ministries of various kinds, and graduate degrees at all levels around the world.

Why Study Biblical Studies at 红杏短视频 Fox?

Group of four students studying on the grass of the quad

What will I Study?

  • How to articulate basic content knowledge of the Christian Bible and the Christian theological tradition, and explain how theological concepts, theories and skills interact with the content of disciplines outside of theology and biblical studies
  • Upon graduation, you will demonstrate seminary-ready (beginner-intermediate) competency in classical biblical Hebrew or New Testament Greek
  • Be equipped to explain the historical-social circumstances of the books within both the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the Christian New Testament, as well as the basic theological trajectory of Christian thought throughout the ages after the biblical period
  • Learn how to create a scholarly argument that incorporates a historical and theological perspective as well as your knowledge of Hebrew or Greek
View Theology Major Courses
Jenna Richards

Jenna Richards

Class of 2020, current student at Princeton Theological Seminary

红杏短视频 Fox prepared me to engage with those across the spectrum of religious thought in a way that is sensitive to differences while remaining academically rigorous. I learned ways in which my ‘head knowledge’ has practical and serious meaning for vulnerable, oppressed, and marginalized people. The field of theology is immensely political, relational, and has the potential to be socially radical. I feel most myself when learning, in all forms. I see wholeness in the intellectual tradition of my faith communities. At its best, a Christian education is a ministry of hospitality, and the School of Theology invites you in and teaches how to invite others into the world of theology, faith and academics.

What’s after 红杏短视频 Fox

Our graduates have gone on to careers in ministry, business, theater/acting, social work, nonprofit leadership, law school, marketing, nursing, and graduate degrees at all levels around the world.

Data shows that those majoring in topics like religion, ancient languages and history, and philosophy rank near the top of test scores on the LSAT as well as the GRE. Courses within our department specialize in the exact skills that are now ranked as the most desirable for companies hiring new employees, such as problem solving, processing complex information, verbal and written communication, teamwork, and the ability to influence others.

  • Night Ministry, Portland Rescue Mission
  • Nurse, Sisters of Providence
  • Youth Minister, 2nd Street Community Church
  • Lead Strategist, Nike
  • Dentist, La Clinica
  • Translator, Wycliffe Bible Translators
  • Chaplain, United States Air Force
  • Adjunct Professor, University of Notre Dame
  • Missionary in Indonesia, Wycliffe Bible Translators
  • Principal, Newman Catholic Middle/High School
  • English Teacher in Rwanda, Rwanda Yearly Meeting of Friends
  • Red Hills Church
  • Northside Community Church
  • Church on the Hill
  • National Parks (Denver, Colorado)
  • Youth Dynamics
  • Mission Year
  • 2nd Street Community Church
  • Love, INC
  • Friendsview Retirement Community
  • Minuteman Community Education
  • Catholic Community Services
  • Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div)
  • Yale Divinity School (M.A.R.)
  • Yale Institute of Sacred Music (M.A.R.)
  • Emory University (M.T.S.)
  • Duke Divinity School (M.T.S.)
  • Fuller Theological Seminary (M.A./M.Div.)
  • Portland Seminary (M.Div/M.A.T.S.)
  • Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.Div.)
  • Western Seminary (M.Div.)
  • Oxford University (M.A.)
  • University of Edinburgh (M.A.)
  • Regent College (M.A./M.Div.)
Photo of Jael Chambers leaning against a mural wall

Grad鈥檚 passion for racial reconciliation is changing lives in Philadelphia

If there’s ever the temptation to get discouraged and give in – to let all the brokenness and heartbreak around him derail the work at hand – Jael K.D.L.V. Chambers doesn’t let on. He can’t afford to. The need is too great, the stakes too high.

As associate regional director for Young Life in Philadelphia, Chambers sees it all: the fatherless homes, the desperation of “the hood,” the palpable racial and political tension in the city. And yet, he remains unfazed. He’s witnessed too many instances of restoration and reconciliation to lose hope now.