There are many ways for students to contribute to this special place, learn skills, and earn a little cash to keep mini fridges stocked and coffee budgets generous. And yet, when I was a freshman, I had no idea where and how my friends were finding on-campus jobs.

Join me on a fascinating journey all over campus to find out what some of our fellow students are up to, and what you could be doing very soon! 

Biochem Stockroom Employee

A beaker in the Biochemistry labIf what you’re studying has any connection to STEM, you’ve spent time in EHS (the Edwards-Holman Science Center). In fact, you’ve probably spent time there no matter what you’re studying (gotta love gen ed!). We love those stairs, right?

Students employed in the biology and chemistry stockrooms manage the resources required for all of the geeky science learning that goes on in the building: equipment, chemicals, specimens. Your labs are equipped with everything they need thanks to these stockroom workers.

They do a good share of cleaning, tidying and organizing, and have the opportunity to work with and get to know the faculty based in EHS, as they are available to supply their every need. Yep, these are the folks who know where to get you a sheep’s brain, if you should need one.

Resident Assistant

Every floor, apartment building and house on campus has an RA. Let’s just say this is one of the most important jobs on campus.

The list of duties that may fall under an RA’s purview is literally endless. They decorate your living area, throw fun events, and solve roommate conflicts. Flooding, stow-away kittens, dealing with curious animal visitors … there is no telling what they will be called on to handle. As the RA for Woolman Apartments, my friend had to investigate a break-in – a squirrel break-in. Fortunately, RAs have reinforcements when things get out of hand.

A student and RA hugging in a dorm room

Relationship building is often what draws students to this role. RAs are expected to reach out to the residents on their floor and form a connection with them. This makes them a trusted resource for any questions or concerns, and able to provide emotional support through that rollercoaster of trouble we all experience in some way as college students.

The job of an RA is full of excitement, starting with an adventure retreat before the school year begins, followed by pancake nights, floor outings, and loads of opportunities to bond with the other RAs in the building, often forming a little staff family.

And speaking of exciting, how does free on-campus housing sound? 

Sports Medicine Aide

A sports medicine aide gets to learn how to perform the role of an athletic trainer, live and up close. Under the direction of athletic trainer Jill Sikkema, my source works with the men’s and women’s soccer teams and the football team.

A sports medicine aide is there to fulfill every need of both the trainers and the players: filling ice and water buckets, retrieving supplies, taping ankles and wrists, and getting players prepped for games (paying close attention to injuries).

But what is seriously fun for these folks is getting paid to be in the front row (well, basically on the field) for so many ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox athletic events. They are able to provide another set of eyes of the field, working side-by-side with trainers to assess the situation when a potential injury takes place. Having so much exposure to the language and to real-life sports healthcare situations is an invaluable learning experience for students.

What my source enjoys most about her role is working with the same players every day. Along with getting to know them personally, she sees their highs and lows and is dedicated to helping them reach their goals and be the best athletes they can be.

Academic Resource Center Consultant

An ARC consultant helping a studentRemember when your teachers would have you trade papers with your neighbor and write comments? ARC (Academic Resource Center) consultants are like professional peer editors, available by appointment to help other students produce their very best work. Unlike the grade-school version, these guys aren’t shy; they won’t hold back critical feedback if it will improve your writing.

Consultants know how to help students at any point in the writing process, from brainstorming to final touches on grammar and editing. It should be your first stop when you’re banging your brain on the desk (unless your first stop is the grocery store for some edible cookie dough). But afterwards, head straight to the ARC! They will work with you on any kind of assignment (creative personal essays, literary criticism, synthesis…). They can even coach you with scheduling, note-taking, homework accountability, and getting enough sleep (always the first to go, it’s more important than you think!)

My source believes the best part of the job is getting to meet so many people from different majors and campus communities, different years, and even grad students. This is a fantastic position for anyone who loves writing and connecting with other students. 

I Have a Job, Too!

As for me? At the end of my sophomore year, the perfect job landed in my lap. I am a new writing intern for the marketing communications (MarCom) department, and I completely love it. I finally get to apply the skills I’m learning in my English major outside of academics. Every day, I practice grammar and style editing as I publish the announcements of administrators, professors, clubs, organizations, and much more to The Daily Bruin (read it!) With my leftover time, I let my creative juices flow and write up these Bruin Blogs!

What Will You Do?

Allow me to introduce you to your principal resource for finding an on-campus job:  

Assuming this is your first time on the site, you will need to sign up (top right corner). Use your school email address and follow the prompts using your ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox credentials. You should arrive at a page that looks like this:

Screenshot of Handshake


Don’t miss the resources at the university’s Career and Academic Planning Center, but if you’re interested in your immediate on-campus employment options, select “Jobs” in the menu on the left. This is where things get a little confusing, because the Handshake platform will include off-campus job postings – even ones that you are not qualified for or from the other side of the continent.

To the right of the search bar are several bubbles which will filter out all of these other jobs. In order to view on-campus jobs only, you must click “All filters,” then “On-Campus,” then “Show results.” This should show you exactly what you’re looking for, but sometimes something weird still slips through the filter. 

Scroll through the postings, and click on any that look interesting to find all the information about the job. I hope you find something that you enjoy! Good luck!

I happen to know that the biochemistry department is looking to train an accountant for this coming spring semester. Apply on Handshake! You know how!

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