It’s the age-old question: What are colleges REALLY looking for in an application?

We’re about to spill all of the secrets about ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox’s application: There aren’t any! That’s right: Applying to Fox is really simple, and I want to share why you should feel confident in taking 15 minutes to apply, hit submit, and then do a little celebration dance! 

You see, as college admissions counselors, we have many responsibilities. Some days we get to travel around and visit high schools. Other days review applications and make congratulatory acceptance calls. To us, there is nothing more exciting than welcoming a new member to the Bruin family. Wait … I changed my mind. The most exciting thing is seeing you graduate with your degree from ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox University – that is the end goal.

Part of the university’s vision is to empower students to achieve exceptional life outcomes. This process starts from the very beginning. When reviewing an application, we counselors ask ourselves, “Would this student be successful here at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox, right now?” If we can confidently say, “Yes, absolutely they are ready,” well then, cue the Celebrate Good Times song and let’s press that admit button!

Sometimes when reviewing applications, we find that we need some additional information to make a clear decision, so we’ll reach out to you to get to know you a little better before making any final decisions. At the end of the day, your success is our most important objective, and we are in your corner rooting for you always.


With all that in mind, let’s get to the nitty-gritty: What are we looking for in your college application? 

  1. We want to see that you will be a good fit and great addition to a thriving ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox community.
  2. We want to see that you are academically ready to be successful here at ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox right now.

 So let’s break these down a little bit further …

A Good Fit for Fox

To be totally honest, there isn’t an exact science or rubric for determining this. But it is super important to us.

 We believe ºìÐÓ¶ÌÊÓƵ Fox is a really special place, and when you ask someone why they choose to come here, nine out of 10 times students say it is because of the people. As admissions counselors, we hope this continues to be the overwhelming response. We want you to feel excited at the guarantee of your professor knowing your name and your story, and you knowing theirs not to mention the friends you will meet along the way.  

We want you to understand what attending a faith-based university means and what a Christian education looks like. We want you to thrive personally, academically and spiritually. We want you to come to the end of your college journey and have a diverse skill set and strong foundation to build on God’s calling.

We want you to love, respect and engage in the community like it is your home, because you will probably start to refer to this place as your second home.

Our campus is a place where students from all over the world, with different backgrounds and perspectives, goals and dreams, get to gather and live life together. Whether you are celebrating on mountaintops or stumbling through the valleys, Bruins stand tall and stick together.


Academically Ready

When it comes to academics, your transcript is the key. Ideally, your transcript would have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher, core courses, and an increasing or consistent grade trend. If there are advanced or college-level courses, that’s great (but not required)! That’s it! 

Some colleges want you to have X-number of years of math or foreign language, but not us. We say that as long as you are meeting your high school graduation requirements, then you are meeting our course requirements for admissions. 

Many of you also ask about test scores – SAT, ACT, CLT, you name it. These aren't required for our application process. Plus, none of our scholarships are linked to test scores, so you’re not missing out on any extra money!

We also understand that life happens. Maybe transitioning from middle school to high school was a wake-up call, a family member got really sick, your best friend moved away, your parents divorced, or you had new anxiety to work through. We get that that life happens, and it can have an impact on your academic performance.

Your transcript is just a black-and-white piece of paper, but you are so much more than that. That’s why in the “academic history” page on our application, you have an opportunity to share your story. Remember, the more information we are provided, the more holistically we can review your application.

So there you have it – the college admissions process. It can be exciting, overwhelming, or give you all the feels, but you don’t have to do it alone. Your admissions counselor is here to help! Schedule a phone call or virtual meeting, and we can chat through the process. Better yet, visit campus! We offer both in-person and virtual options, and would love to show you around.

Looking forward to reviewing your application soon!

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